Wendy Myers - coffee enemas, infrared saunas, and detox
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Are you anemic? - Signs, symptoms & treatment - Podcast #44
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In this video Dr. Justin Marchegiani reviews:
References: http://justinhealth.com/symptoms-of-anemia/
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Dr. Tim Jackson - Methylation, metal detox, & pain reduction
In this podcast Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Dr. Tim Jackson review:
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Lyme disease and co-infection with the Better Health Guy!
In this show Dr. jusitn Marchegiani and Scott Forsgren (The Better Health Guy) review:
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Weight Loss Tips - Simple weight loss secrets!
In this video Dr. Justin reviews:
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Mike Mutzel: Exercise, the belly fat effect, and bio-hacking
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Unleashing your nervous system!
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Our nervous system is the control center of the body. Healthy nervous system function influences digestion, energy, movement and performance. Many people's nervous systems are working on over drive as a results causing hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue and leaky gut. Our digestive system has a nervous system unto it's own called the enteric nervous system. Most people don't realize that our digestive tract has just as many neurons as our brain and spinal chord. Watch this video to learn more about your nervous system.
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Dr. Lo Interview "Hormones, Digestion and IV nutrition!" In this show Dr. Lauren Noel gives scoop on the following: -Iodine usages. -Uterine fibroid -IV Nutrition -Anemia. -Leaky gut -Menstruation/PMS issues -And so much more! Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Visit us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com Have a question: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/question
Dr. Will Cole on thyroid dysfunction and how to fix it! Over 30 million Americans are suffering from hypothyroidism or low thyroid function. Our thyroid gland produce hormone that helps keep our metabolism working optimally. With less thyroid hormone our metabolism gets slower while at the same time many symptoms occur. Many people have Hashimotos thyroiditis which is an autoimmune thyroid condition. Conventional medicine does nothing to address the root cause of autoimmune thyroid conditions. Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Visit us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com Have a question: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/question
Diabesity and blood sugar with Dr. Frank Learn about blood sugar imablances and how damaging they can be. Learn the best lab tests to assess blood sugar and diabesity. Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Visit us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com Have a question: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/question
Dr. Robert Rickowski Interview - human performance
Robert A. Rakowski, DC, CCN, DACBN, DIBAK is a Chiropractor, Kinesiologist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Biological Terrain Instructor, and the clinic director of the Natural Medicine Center in Houston Texas. In addition to running a busy practice, Dr. Rakowski has lectured internationally for over 20 years on various topics in Natural and Lifestyle Medicine.
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Testing for vitamin and mineral deficiencies
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Do you have vitamin or mineral deficiencies? Many people may be low in common nutrients like zinc, magnesium, iron or even b12 and don't even know it. There are common symptoms that may occur when these nutrients are low. Listen to get more info on this topic.
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Boost your immune system part II
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Learn how to boost your immune system. This podcast is a continuation on the vitamin D and the immune system podcast.
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Biofeedback, smart drugs and meditation - Dr. Andrew Hill. Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Visit us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com Have a question: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/question
No Just Paleo, Evan Brand interview - Podcast #30
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Are you moody? Part 1 - Solutions for mood disorders! By Dr. Justin Marchegiani - Podcast #29
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Many people are dealing with depression, anxiety and or PMS that may effect their mood. The conventional options that are out there don't fix the problem, they cover up the symptoms while the true problems fester and get worse. Most people realize their anxiety, depression and irritability is caused by a deeper problems. Listen to this podcast to learn more about mood disorders and the functional medicine approaches to address mood.
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In today's show Dr. Justin and Baris will review the benefits of vitamin D. We will also review how to test for vitamin D. We will also review vitamin D resistance and infections. The best way to supplements vitamin D and what to do if you vitamin D lab values aren't increasing even though you are supplementing it. Vitamin D Lab Testing: http://justinhealth.com/shop/vitamin-d-lab-test/ Vitamin D3 high dose: http://justinhealth.com/shop/emulsi-d3/ Vitamin D3 with K2: http://justinhealth.com/shop/emulsi-d3-synergy/ Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Visit us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com Have a question: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/question
Everything you want to know about vitamin D
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In today's show Dr. Justin will review the benefits of vitamin D. We will also review how to test for vitamin D. We will also review vitamin D resistance and infections. The best way to supplements vitamin D and what to do if you vitamin D lab values aren't increasing even though you are supplementing it.
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Get your phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification pathways working. In this podcast Dr. Justin and Baris will review what detoxification is and how to get your body detoxifying better! Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Visit us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com Have a question: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/question
In this podcast Dr. Justin Interviews human performance specialist Mike Hoban on how he improves his athletes' performance and prevents injuries. Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Visit us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com Have a question: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/question
How to improve your brain power
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Learn simple strategies as well as supplements to help improve brain function so you can think and perform better!
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In this Episode Dr. Justin and Baris Harvey interview Kevin Gianni on Skin Health and things you can do to improve your skin Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter Review us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/itunes Visit us at: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com Have a question: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/question
In today's episode of Beyond Wellness Radio, we discus parasite infections. Although parasite infections are consider in our conventional wisdom as rare and something you usually get from a tropical cruz while drinking contaminated waters, it's much more common then most people think. We will go over symptoms, testing, and how to get rid of the most common parasites. For more information, go to BeyondWellnessRadio.com
In today's Episode of Beyond Wellness Radio, we go into functional medicine lab. Many of us know we need to track our health by taking lab test, but we might not always know which to order. That's where Dr. Justin and I come in. We give you the 101 to get the most essential test you need without spending a boat load of money. For more information, or to ask a question, go to BeyondWellnessRadio.com