Meditation Using The Muse Device with Ariel Garten | Podcast #304
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We all have thoughts, and none of us are good at meditation at first, during, or maybe at the end. Here's Ariel Garnet, introducing us to the Muse and the use of an approach NOT to get rid of those thoughts but to help you make yourself aware of those thoughts and increase the choice of what to do with those.
Are you doing it right? The Muse uses Machine Learning Approach, which has an algorithm that analyzes brain wave activity. There, it shows focused attention (when it's quiet) and distracted or wandering thoughts (when there's a storm pick-up). Also, concentrated attention and meditation have a natural anchor such as word, part of the body, or our breath, which is more accessible. Ariel added that we have different forms of meditation and focused attention is the most common one. It puts the attention to your breath instead of following your thoughts and shifting it to yourself.
What's the minimum dose? Twenty (20) minutes can be heavy, so it's acceptable to do it up to what's bearable for beginners and usually ten (10) minutes for regulars. It also shows that there are improvements with the body's cognitive function, inhibition, and decrease in stress. Don't miss the full video to see how it works!
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Natural Hacks to Improve Sleep | Podcast #303
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Everyone experiences occasional sleeping problems, so how can you tell whether your difficulty is just a minor, passing annoyance or a sign of a more serious sleep disorder or underlying medical condition?
As humans transition from the waking state to drowsiness and into sleep, parasympathetic vagal tone (responsible for downshifting) increases, and sympathetic tone (the go, go, go!) decreases. Many of us experience trouble sleeping at one time or another. Usually, it’s due to stress, travel, illness, or other temporary interruptions to your normal routine. But if sleep problems are a regular occurrence and interfere with your daily life, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. Here are Dr. J and Dr. Evan taking us to another perspective of ways to help better our sleeping patterns.
Since electronics and the bulbs that we have to use artificial lights, some suggestions are the use of blue lights and dimmer lights. It helps lessen or prevent too much cortisol (steroid hormones formed in the adrenal glands) and assist our melatonin is kicking in and put as to sleep. Intake of magnesium, holy basil, and ashwagandha are also useful for bringing the body to a lower gear as well as regular exercise to keep our body in good shape. Watch the full podcast to know more ways to manage your sleep!
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Using nutrition and functional medicine to enhance energy and mood| Podcast #302
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Dr. J is looking at several natural, easy-to-apply methods to enhance your energy and mood just in time for rising temperatures!
We start with super simple and very powerful electrolytes. Trade out your morning coffee for 18oz of electrolytes and it will impact your energy far better than coffee. Electrolytes are like liquid wiring that help our nerves conduct in our body, and this is easy low-hanging fruit if you need an energy boost. Did you know hydration plays a big role in the lymph nodes and breastfeeding moms who aren't hydrating (especially during the warmer months) increase their chances for mastitis. Dr. J looks at some natural methods to help alleviate mastitis.
Another good way to boost your energy is with celery juice or any other food high in potassium, a little magnesium will also help. Of course, getting adequate nutrients and micronutrients can play a huge role in energy levels, so eat nutrient-rich food for better energy.
With increased adrenal stress and low electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, and calcium. With increase sweet we may lose more electrolytes can increase which can increase low electrolytes symptoms such as heart issues (palpitations, tachycardia, low and high bp issues), mood and energy issues as well. Adrenal dysfunction and low electrolytes can affect your mood and energy.
And it wouldn't be functional medicine if we didn't look at the root cause of why you have low energy or mood issues. Dr. J and Dr. Evan Brand discuss adrenal dysfunction, testing, cortisol levels, and more.
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Can Functional Medicine Manage Headaches? | Podcast #301
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In this podcast, together with Dr. Evan, we're going to be talking about functional solutions to headaches. We'll be looking deeper into what we can do to headache issues.
Our diet can be the first one to consider and ergonomics to keep our body structures relaxed and align, therefore, maintaining our good posture. But how can these factors connected to headaches? Since many people are experiencing headaches, let's talk about the things we can work on before we go straight to taking medications.
Dr. Justin and Dr. Evan are going to break down this topic, discuss the essential details, and what you can do about it.
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