Natural Ways To Increase Your Glutathione Levels | Podcast #292
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Dr. J is in the house with a full podcast on glutathione, what it is, what it does, what happens when you don't have enough of it, what nutrients you need to maximize glutathione, and how you can boost your glutathione levels naturally.
First things first, what is glutathione? It is a tripeptide composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamine, and glycine. These are sulfur-rich amino acids which you find mostly in animal products, while you can get some vegetable-derived sulfur amino acids, veggies are low in these specific amino acids.
Some conditions associated with low glutathione are Alzheimer's, cancer, chronic liver disease, cognitive issues, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, hypertension, lupus, immunodeficiency, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, neurodegenerative issues, and more (note: low glutathione is not the root cause of these but is often associated). Dr. J further supports this sharing studies and explaining the mechanisms. We even look at medical studies proving glutathione increases apoptosis (the growing and dying of cells) and the antioxidant capacity, showing glutathione to be a cytoprotective (it protects cells). Dr. J and Dr. Evan Brand go on to discuss which foods are high in glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. They mention whey protein, sulfur-rich foods like bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale mustard greens, and turnips. High-quality beef, chicken, fish, and eggs are great for intercellular nutrients (which most vegetables don't have much of, so proteins are very important). This podcast is packed with the basics and complexities of glutathione, Dr. J has mentioned it many times in previous podcasts and now we have a better understanding of why he's such a big advocate!
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Graves' Disease And Hyperthyroid | Podcast #219
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There are a lot of ugly things that could be in one’s health bucket. If one has Hyperthyroid, finger pointing is not enough. There is a need to turn over every rock and take a big shotgun approach through functional medicine.
In today’s podcast, Dr. J and Evan Brand discuss some of the essential points in Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroid. Learn why Hashimoto's can sometimes feel like Graves' when one has hyperthyroid or Graves', or high cortisol and high catecholamine. Also, learn how functional medicine can help address major side effects of different drugs while at the same time not going to something excessively drastic that will result in thyroid removal or ablation. Continue for more and don’t forget to share. Sharing is caring!
In this episode, we cover:
00:38 Drugs that Affect Thyroid
04:29 Acid Blockers
08:41 Fluoride-Containing Medications
14:03 Addressing at the Root Cause
20:04 Other Drugs That Affect Thyroid
24:48 Effects of Depleted Thyroid
25:39 Lithium Mechanism for Grave’s
29:54 Multivitamins and Borderline Hashimoto’s
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The top 5 causes of leaky gut and how to fix it – Podcast #70
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Today’s podcast features Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand breaking down the 5 causes of leaky gut and how to fix it. Listen to this discussion if you want to get a full understanding of what a leaky gut is. Dr. Justin explains all about digestion thoroughly in this interview. They also talk about the importance of chewing your food when you eat for the digestive process.
Learn about the connection of leaky gut to stress and cortisol. Discover an effective way to deal with leaky gut with the Dr. Justin’s 5R Approach — a combination of removing bad foods, adding in digestive support, adding in healing nutrients and adrenal support, removing any infections, and bringing back and trying to repopulate with a lot of good bacteria.
In this episode, topics include:
2:44 Digestion 101
7:45 Causes and culprits of leaky gut
11:43 Stress and cortisol
14:45 5R Approach
26:51 On testing for leaky gut
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Improve your energy by boosting your mitochondria – Podcast #67
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Learn more about the various nutrients needed to boost energy when you listen to this interview. If you’re in the mood to geek out, here’s your chance to get a concise overview on how the citric acid/Kreb cycle works. Also find out what is the best test to take to look at how compounds are being produced and the nutrients needed to produce them.
In this episode, topics include:
00:41 about the mitochondria and energy
2:46 citric acid/Kreb cycle
09:52 electron transport chain
11:24 supplement for energy production
21:54 action steps
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The brain gut connection, is your brain causing you GI problems? – Podcast #65
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand discuss about the brain-gut connection via the HPA, HPT, and HPTAG axis. Find out how important it is to have a good feedback loop of communication. Discover how vital the enteric nervous system is as much as our central nervous system. Listen to this podcast and learn how you can get optimal HCl production and get some info on what chiropractic care can do for you when it comes to excellent brain communication.
Evan shares his experience from previous gut issues that were eventually fixed. Dr. Justin further explains how some brain issues could potentially cause gut issues especially in the realm of trauma, but emphasizes that we need to focus on the gut to get things working again. In this interview, we also find out how we can get relief from constipation to avoid all the toxic reabsorption that’s bad for the body.
In this episode, topics include:
3:15 Gut-brain axis
7:29 Causes of system dysfunction
12:05 Intestinal motility speed tweaks
13:08 Laxative herbs
16:15 Chiropractic care
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Dave Korsunsky Heads Up Health- Lab and bio-marker tracking technology - Podcast #48
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Dr. Justin interviewed Dave Korsunsky, the founder of “Heads Up Health” which has developed an innovative and yet very user-friendly software to help centralize all of your health, fitness and medical data in one place.
Most people have their medical records scattered across different doctors’ offices and medical facilities. Using new advancements in electronic health record technology, Heads Up Health can help you gather scattered records into one location so you have a complete view of your medical history right at your fingertips.
Find out how you can be empowered with this tool to manage your health.
In this episode we cover:
01:24 The need to manage one’s health data
04:45 Standard lab and functional lab ranges
06:33 Color coding system for lab works
07:06 Lifestyle and clinical data integration
09:56 Automated and manual entry of data support
19:15 Collaborate information with healthcare team
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Unleashing your nervous system!
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Our nervous system is the control center of the body. Healthy nervous system function influences digestion, energy, movement and performance. Many people's nervous systems are working on over drive as a results causing hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue and leaky gut. Our digestive system has a nervous system unto it's own called the enteric nervous system. Most people don't realize that our digestive tract has just as many neurons as our brain and spinal chord. Watch this video to learn more about your nervous system.
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