Holistic Dental Health with Dr. Joan Sefcik DDS | Podcast #186
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Welcome to today’s podcast with Dr. Justin and Dr. Joan Sefcik DDS! Find out more about their discussion regarding dental health issues and debunking dental health myths. In this video, they talked about the connection with root canal inflammation to the different body systems. Excessive consumption of refined sugar and lack of vitamin intake may compromise your dental health and overall health in a larger scope.
Watch as they discuss the alternative healing method in this video.
Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS
In this episode, we cover:
01:55 Nutrition is Important to Dental Health
20:17 Epinephrine Anaesthesia Causes Cavitation
28:40 Heavy Metals and Infertility Rate
31:50 Do Not Give Your Kids Fluoride
47:15 Root Canals, Bridges, and Extraction
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Welcome to today’s podcast with Dr. Justin and Dr. Sajad Zalzala, a famous family doctor! Find out more about their discussion of the biochemistry and mechanisms Dr. Z learned when he was in medical school to get the extra buffer between conventional and functional medicine. Learn about the relationship of the allopathic medicine and functional medicine through drugs and diseases, like Diabetes, and about the different anti-aging pathways as they discuss more and dig deep into the Low-dose Naltrexone issue.
Watch as they discuss the right supplements and diets to restore health and wellness of patients of all ages.
In this episode, we cover:
01:39 Integrated/Holistic Medicine and Conventional Medicine
17:51 Metformin
21:47 The Three Anti-Aging Pathways
30:54 Opioid Crisis
47:15 Cannabis
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How to Address Iron Overload - Podcast #187
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Welcome to another Just in Health functional medicine podcast! Today’s podcast is all about addressing Iron Overload. Watch as Dr. J and Evan Brand unravel what you can do to start chelating Iron naturally. Learn the importance of Iron into our body, and the symptoms and side effects of Iron Overload related issues.
Keep tuning in to discover the different strategies you can do if you have Iron issues, especially if you a woman menstruating. Don’t forget to share!
In this episode, we cover:
01:55 Natural Ways for Iron Chelation
04:46 Symptoms and Side Effects of Iron Issues with Women
06:50 Therapeutic Phlebotomy
08:55 Metabolic Markers for Iron Overload
12:00 Plant-based Versus Animal-Based Iron
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Blood Sugar and Gut Issues - Podcast #183
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Listen to today's podcast as Evan Brand, along with Dr. Justin, shares his personal experiences and expert views about the different symptoms and mechanisms of gut and blood sugar issues. Discover how blood sugar levels are steered by different health levers, such as gut inflammation, stress, nutrition, eating frequency, weight gain, insulin sensitivity, etc.
Stay tuned as this duo explains techniques that may apply to you for you to utilize.
In this episode, we cover:
01:00 What are Blood Sugar and Gut Issues
06:00 When to Get Concerned with Blood Sugar
15:00 Basic Adrenal Support to Help Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels
18:30 Mwave Mobile Phone App
19:30 Walking Meditation and Massage
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The Top 5 Keto Myths with Dr. Jockers | Podcast #184
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Ketogenic Diet, also known as Keto Diet, is a popular diet among those who want to lose weight, but is it just about that? Listen to Dr. J and Dr. David Jockers as they talk about the top five myths about Ketogenic diet. Also, find out the physical and neurological benefits you can get from this known diet.
Stay tuned for more facts!
In this episode, we cover:
01:40 It’s a Weight Loss Diet
06:17 An All Meat Diet Only
16:17 A Diet Bad for Microbiome
24:22 Not Good for Thyroid and Adrenal Health
29:37 A Diet Suited Long-Term
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Please watch: "The Keto FX Summit - Get Your Keto Questions Answered - Podcast #172"
Candida Summit with Evan Brand | Podcast #181
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Welcome to the Candida Summit! In this video, Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Evan Brand, an internationally-based functional expert who specializes in digestive issues and chronic infections, obesity and fatigue. Listen as Evan Brand shares his personal experiences with Candida and his protocols to overcome it.
Don’t miss the chance of listening to this knowledge-filled interview! Stay tuned!
In this episode, we cover:
01:20 Candida, Mood & Cognitive Issues, and Other Infections
06:26 Multiple Mechanisms of Candida
12:00 Diet Does Not Affect Skin Myth
23:21 Lab tests for Candida Overgrowth
63:00 Treatment Issues for the Immune System
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Brain Health and Brain Performance with Cavin Balaster - Podcast #182
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Welcome to another functional medicine video with Dr. Justin Marchegiani and the author of the book, “Feed a Brain,” Cavin Balaster! In this video, they talk about brain health and brain performance. They delve on healing from brain injuries and neurotherapies. They also talk about improving neuroplasticity and optimal nutrition for the brain in helping your brain work better.
Stay tuned for more knowledge bombs!
In this episode, we cover:
01:00 TBI: Severe Diffuse Axonal Injury
07:30 Videonystagmography and Vestibular Ocular Reflex
23:44 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Gyrus Stem, Low-level Light Therapy
27:00 Ketogenic Diet and Brain Health
40:30 DHA and EPA for Neurological Health
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Functional Dentistry - Dr. J with Dr. Steven Lin Podcast #176
References: www.drstevenlin.com
Dental Diet Book: https://amzn.to/2GQtcb2
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Today’s podcast features Dr. Steven Lin, the world’s foremost functional dentist and the author of “The Dental Diet.” In this video, they talk about holistic dental stuff, like understanding how diet affects the skeletal growth, especially in jaws and skull, and the different protocols that will enhance one’s dental health. Watch and learn more as they also discuss the various clinical and functional procedures that may be suited for your dental needs.
Stay tuned as they touch many impactful topics in the field of functional and dental medicine. Keep watching to gain some wealth of knowledge Dr. Justin and Dr. Steven, through this podcast, share!
In this episode, we cover:
06:20 Vitamin K2
31:50 Cod Liver Oil and Emu Oil
48:50 Myofunctional Therapy and Myofunctional Orthodontics
50:33 Snoring, Behavioral Patterns, and Dental Health
63:00 Is Root Canal Necessary?
Stay tuned for more videos!
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Do You Have the Low Neurotransmitter Symptoms? | Dr. J Live Podcast #180
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Welcome to another functional medicine video with Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand! In this video, they talk about low neurotransmitter symptoms. Learn the factors that cause low neurotransmitter and some essential takeaways from it.
Stay tuned for some more knowledge bombs!
In this episode, we cover:
02:52 Catecholamine Issues
08:20 Gut Bugs and Mental Issues
14:25 Digestive Issues Affects Neurotransmitters
15:25 Dopamine-Caused Versus Serotonin-Caused Depressions
34:50 Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin, GABA, Glutamine
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Paleo Functions, Mycotoxins, and Ketogenic Diet with Michelle Norris - Podcast #179
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Today’s podcast features Michelle Norris, Keith Norris’ better half. In this video, she and Dr. Justin Marchegiani, talk about Paleo functions, Ketogenic diet, Mycotoxins, and how such things are related to sleep, blood sugar levels, weight loss, calories, nutrient density and the salt and sugar combo. Watch and learn more as they talk and share about Michelle’s health challenges and solutions.
Stay tuned for some important scoops regarding this year’s PaleoFX and other important must-see Health Conferences. Keep watching to know more!
Michelle Norris
In this episode, we cover:
03:11 PaleoFX Encompasses Everything
28:40 Sleep’s Role in Weight Loss
32:34 Michelle’s Keto to Paleo Template Application
39:39 The Myth about Calories and Nutrient Density
45:27 The Body’s Need for Salt-Sugar Combo
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Natural Solutions for Emergencies - Podcast #178
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Welcome to another functional medicine video with Dr. Justin and Evan Brand! In this video, they talk about natural solutions for emergencies like falls and injuries, headaches, migraines, anxiety, and such. Learn the first-aid one can do for the said issues as well as understand the different treatment approach that suits each.
Stay tuned as these duos share their own experiences on how they cope with such emergencies. Keep subscribing for more of these kinds of knowledge bombs!
In this episode, we cover:
05:09 Falls and Essential Oils
10:00 Aids for Headaches
13:00 Gut Health First-aid
15:05 High Blood Pressure
21:15 Anxiety
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Heavy Metals and The Gut Connections - Dr. J Live Podcast #175
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In today’s podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand discuss the link between heavy metals and the gut connections. Listen as they talk about how heavy metals affect the gallbladder functions and the outline of things that affect these functions. Also, know the different tests that can detect heavy metals.
Learn how to treat and prevent leaky gut and other gut problems from occurring. Find out the best natural treatments these two will share. Keep watching!
In this episode, we cover:
01:22 The Heavy Metals and Gut Connection
06:40 Factors Affecting Gallbladder Function
11:20 Heavy Metals Disrupts Detoxification in the Gut Microbiota
12:46 Herbs that Supports the Liver
14:33 Cholesterol’s an Important Building Block for Hormones
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Clostridium Difficile and Leaky Gut - Dr. J Live Podcast #174
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In this video, let's join Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand as they talk about the link between Clostridium Difficile and Leaky Gut. Clostridium Difficile is a bacteria found almost everywhere and can cause symptoms like diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain.
Watch this video as the two functional medicine experts share their thoughts on how this disease can affect your health and what you can do about it.
In this episode, we cover:
01:50 Biggest Risk Factor of CDI: Accumulative Antibiotic Exposure
05:32 Mood Issues Equals Gut Issues
07:47 The 6R Protocol
15:23 Fecal Transplant is an Experimental and a Palliative Therapy
21:10 Top Symptoms of Clostridium Difficile
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Neurological Assessments - Brain Health and Other Issues | Dr. Justin with Russ Teams Podcast #173
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani welcomes Dr. Russ Teams, a functional neurologist who practices in Arizona’s leading chiropractic center for Functional Neurology and Functional Medicine. Join them as they engage in a very informative conversation about brain health and the conditions affecting it. Learn about the assessment process, diet, nutrition and find out how the brain is connected to the gut.
Gain valuable information as Dr. Russ Teams drop some knowledge bombs and answers the listeners' questions about vitamin D and how it helps the brain, medical marijuana, and brain concussion.
In this episode, we cover:
11:05 Self-assessment and tools
11:46 Diet and Brain
21:12 Nutrition for brain inflammation
27:51 Nutritional Debt
32:02 Brain and Leaky Gut Connection
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Eating Disorders & Your Relationship With Food - Dr. J with Dr. Glen Livingston Live Podcast #171
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We all know that food is essential for life. However, did you know that your relationship and mindset about the foods you consume are just as important? Today, we're glad to have Dr. Glen Livingston from NeverBingeAgain.com in our functional medicine podcast. Here, Dr. Justin and Dr. Glen delve deep into the topic of eating disorders and improper food consumption. Learn about the different types of eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating as well as the natural ways you can fix the issue.
Do you think your relationship with food is healthy? Do you want to improve your eating habits for your health? If so, come and watch this video to pick up some valuable information about food eating disorders and how you can treat them.
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SIBO Yeast Overgrowth Mood Issues More - Dr. J Live Podcast #169
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Your gut affects your health in a variety of ways, and it's not just about digestion. The health status of your gut can influence the immune system, your weight, and even your mood! In today's part-podcast and part-Q&A video, let's join Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand as they talk about gut health and how it affects us as a whole.
Watch and listen as they discuss topics like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), yeast or fungal overgrowth, weight gain and weight loss, and even the link between your gut and your mood swings. So many people are diagnosed with SIBO, in fact, Dr. Justin says that almost 90% of his patients are suffering from this condition. Learn how to manage your gut health by taking the right supplements, eating the right foods, and preventing issues from wreaking havoc on your overall health. Watch this video for more info!
In this episode, we cover:
02:30 SIFO is Definitely an Issue
05:20 Conventional Treatment of Candida and SIBO
07:19 Urinary Tract Infection
10:00 Treating UTI by Just Hitting the Gut.
21:36 Top herbs for Candida Overgrowth
Wise Woman Herbals herbal douche products at http://www.wisewomanherbals.com/
TRUCOLLAGEN https://justinhealth.com/products/trucollagen/
Probio FLora at https://justinhealth.com/products/probio-flora/
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Weight Loss Lifestyle ARX Fit with Jim Keen | Podcast #170
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In this video, come and join Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Jim Keen as they both share some of their thoughts on living a healthy lifestyle. Jim Keen from ARX Fit used to be a trumpet player for more than 5 years. His lifestyle used to be sedentary and his circadian rhythm was not being followed. Here, the two health experts will give you some tips on how to live healthier, how to exercise better, and how to enjoy a healthier body.
Learn how Jim went from being overweight to being healthy and fit, find out more about his story, and pick up some valuable info which you can use to help you kickstart the health journey of your own!
In this episode, we cover:
02:47 Circadian Cycles and Sleep
09:37 Importance of Dinner-Bedtime Gap time
10:45 Adaptive Resistance Exercise (ARX)
15:27 ARX Can Never Be Excessive
19:13 ARX Alpha Versus ARX Omni
Dr. Jack Kruse
Garry Taubes
“The Smarter Science of Slim” and “The Calorie Myth,” by Jonathan Bailor
Jason Fung
High Intensity training by Ellington Darden, PhD.
“The Nautilus Exercise Principles” by Arthur Jones, founder of MedX
“Body by Science” by Dr. Doug McGuff and John R. Little
The Ghost car in Mario Kart
Keith Norris’ May 2017 Interview in Just in Health
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The Keto FX Summit - Get Your Keto Questions Answered - Dr. Justin with Keith Norris Podcast #172
Access to the Keto FX summit: https://goo.gl/cnGec6
Access to the Paleo FX conference: https://goo.gl/x8vJJ3
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The Keto FX Summit has officially begun! To begin this amazing health event, the co-founder of Paleo FX & the Keto FX Summit Keith Norris joins Dr. Justin Marchegiani in this informative video. The ketogenic diet is getting more popular the health and fitness community. What is it and should you start doing keto? Watch as the two functional medicine experts answer the most frequently asked questions about the keto diet.
If you want to learn about the benefits of a keto diet, how to start doing it, the fundamentals of a keto diet, and more, this video is for you!
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Female Hormone Balance Video Series: http://www.justinhealth.com/female-hormone-balance
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani
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Looking Deeper at Your Blood Tests - Dr. J Live Podcast #168
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani welcomes Dave Korsunsky, founder and Chief Executive Officer ofheadsuphealth.com, which is a website about tracking health data. Join them as they discuss about blood sugar levels, ketone levels, blood test and other health-related data that can be integrated with smart devices and the website as a means of analyzing your health.
Know about preprandial and postprandial blood sugar readings and glucose functional ranges. Also, find out more about the Carb Tolerance Test and learn how it can provide value and insight to how your body responds to sugar from different food sources.
In this episode, we talk about:
05:08 Functional Glucose Tolerance
13:45 Body Composition and Postprandial response
18:16 Quick walk through on Headsuphealth
31:51 Heart Rate Variability
35:54 Stress and its associated markers
Link to the products mentioned in the video:
Adjustable Kettlebells: http://amzn.to/2DpAEIu
TRX suspension trainer: http://amzn.to/2DlXUmq
Push up bar: http://amzn.to/2EVyRqI
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How to overcome the flu! | Podcast #167
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Show Transcription: https://justinhealth.com/how-to-overcome-the-flu-podcast-167
Fever, a terrible headache, an annoying runny nose, and a general overall feeling of unwellness. Well, now you've got the flu. We often rely too much on over-the-counter flu medications but did you know that most of them only target the symptoms and not the cause? In today's video, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about the best ways to get over the flu. The first thing you need to do if you want to get over this issue is to find out what caused it. The next thing you need to do is target it right at the roots. Learn about the best flu treatment with the help of functional medicine and find out how you can avoid catching the flu. Watch this video for more information!
In this episode, we cover:
07:06 Natural ways to up regulate your immune system
11:07 Vitamin D effects on your immune system
14:03 Cons of Flu Vaccine
23:47 What sugar does to your immune system
28:08 IV therapy treatment
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Dr. Kelly Brogan - A Mind of Your Own - Podcast #165
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Show Transcription: https://justinhealth.com/dr-kelly-brogan-a-mind-of-your-own-podcast-165
Discover some natural ways to be more productive and learn about the different ways to address brain and gut inflammation. Also, stay tuned for some more information about Dr. Kelly’s bestselling book, “A Mind of Your Own” and viral articles.
In today’s video, Dr. Kelly Brogan, an accomplished doctor and author of the New York Times bestselling book “A Mind of Your Own”, joins Dr. Justin Marchegiani as they both discuss the link between gut issues and mental health. Get some useful tips on how to keep your mind clear and active without gut issues hindering it. Get your own mind back with the help of functional medicine. Let’s watch and listen!
In this episode, we cover:
02:41 Depression: Illness of Modern Civilization, Not a Chemical Imbalance
04:53 Animal Model of Depression
08:20 Multiple Different Lifestyle Pillars
12:00 Meditation and Productivity
16:42 Supplemental Ways to Address Brain Inflammation
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Optimizing Your Functional Medicine Gut Program - Dr. J Live Podcast #164
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Show Transcription: https://justinhealth.com/optimizing-your-functional-medicine-gut-program-live-podcast-164/
In today’s video, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand discuss the topic of creating a functional medicine toolbox for your gut health. Learn about the natural ways to modify your diet, improve your digestion, and promote your overall gut health. Watch and listen as they reveal some of the tools in the trade.
Discover some protocols that help aid problems with gut fungus, yeast overgrowth and infection, gut bacteria issues and parasites in your digestive system. Learn about the different steps to take on how to ensure you’re taking the right path for better gut health. Also, stay tuned for more information about how to further catch some knowledge bombs from this functional medicine duo.
In this episode, we cover:
03:30 Looking at the Food
04:23 Digestive Support
06:10 Silver in the Killing Phase
09:47 Probiotics and Antibiotic Therapy
13:48 Retest
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How to Boost Your Immune System So You Don't Get Sick - Dr. J Live Podcast #163
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As the cold weather approaches its peak, more people are getting sick everyday. It's this time of the year where you see people walking around with face masks trying to avoid the flu. In today's live podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and his friend Evan Barand talked about the most effective ways to boost your immune system. As we all know, our immune system is mainly responsible for keeping viruses and infection at bay. Watch as Dr. J and Evan tackle the topic about the prevention of sicknesses during this weather. Moreover, the two functional medicine experts will also discussed an article called "What to Do When You Get Sick Part 1 and 2." So, if you're suffering from a compromised immune system or if you simply want to bolster your body's ability to prevent sicknesses from developing, go on and check out this video!
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Natural Solutions For Dandruff & Fungal Overgrowth - Dr. J Live Podcast #162
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Show Transcription: https://justinhealth.com/natural-solutions-for-dandruff-fungal-overgrowth-live-podcast-162/
In this video, Dr. Justin Marchegiani along with Evan Brand talks about the best natural solutions for dandruff. If you're suffering from excessive dandruff that just won't go away, this podcast is for you! Here, the two experts discussed and compared the conventional and functional approach to see which one is more effective in eliminating the flakes from your scalp. Oftentimes, doctors would simply refer their patients to other dermatologists if they are suffering from severe dandruff. Other doctors may also give some kind of systemic antifungal medications in case they find other signs of fungal overgrowth. The problem with this, however, is that the issue is not being addressed from the roots. The itchiness, redness, and dryness of the scalp may be caused by some deep fungal overgrowth that needs to be eliminated first.
Learn about the best natural medications for dandruff, the effective herbs that combat it, as well as the ways to prevent any fungal overgrowth in the future. Watch this video for more info!
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