Functional medicine hair loss solutions - Podcast #94
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about supplements, hormones and how the adrenals affect the thyroid in relation to hair loss. This interview is geared towards educating people all about hair loss and functional medicine solutions. Learn all about alopecia areata when you listen to this podcast.
Also find out about the different things that you can do to help improve your hair quality and even grow it back. Get to know about ferritin and iron saturation and why you should pay attention to these. Discover the possible causes of hair loss and what hair supplementation to take which are proven to be very helpful. Learn how the functional medicine approach to hair loss can be very effective at addressing this issue.
In this episode, topics include:
00:23 All about hair loss and alopecia
02:32 Gut issues
04:35 The thyroid connection
06:37 Blood tests and hormones
09:38 Supplementation
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Other Strategies to Lose Weight and Reduce Stress - Podcast #92
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about weight loss secrets and weight loss mindset in this podcast episode. They discuss about weight loss being the effect of good health. Get educated about your body so you can effectively lose weight.
Discover why weight loss is more challenging for women and how hormones affect it. Learn about how excessive exercise and/or cutting calories can send stress signals to the body. Find out why you need to get nutrients 100% dialed in and eating organic and grass-fed or pasture-fed as much as possible, avoiding hormones and pesticides and GMOs. Learn about forest bathing, the Nature Pyramid, breathing exercises, body fat percentage and body water content, as well as the waist and hip circumference when you listen to this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
02:00 Female hormones
03:50 Stress in women vs stress in men
07:52 Nutrients
10:23 Diet and quality of the macronutrients
13:47 Forest bathing and Nature Pyramid
21:42 Breathing exercises
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The Other Reasons Why You May Be Tired – Podcast #91
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand are connecting the dots as to why some people who have normal adrenals come back still a little bit tired throughout the day. This podcast touches upon the mitochondria and the thyroid, which are the major driving factors of why someone may be fatigued and tired even though their adrenals look good.
Listen to learn more about dealing with fatigue and inability to cope with stress. Get a better understanding of the thyroid hormones and how they affect the body. Discover facts about fluoride and the effects of drinking fluoridated water. Also find out the benefits of adding mitochondrial support in this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
04:24 Fatigue and inability to cope with stress
11:23 Adrenal, thyroid, and gut issues
14:41 Fluoride
25:32 Mitochondrial support
27:43 Summary
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The truth about H. pylori infections – Podcast #90
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand go in depth about H. pylori infections and the conventional medical treatment using antibiotics versus the natural solutions. Learn what it is all about and how it can be treated when you listen to this podcast.
H_pyloriThey talk about the different studies made and publications that will help us understand what H. pylori is all about and how to effectively get rid of it. Find out what the testing methods are to check if you have certain infections. Also discover the mechanisms of how H. pylori can be spread so you can avoid getting infected.
In this episode, topics include:
00:52 About H. pylori
06:48 Mainstream care/conventional treatment
07:40 Conventional medical treatment vs natural treatment
14:45 Gut killing protocol and supporting affected body systems
19:30 Testing methods
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The Right Path For Treatment In Your Functional Medicine Program – Podcast #89
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about their sequence of care in today’s podcast. Find out why they do things in the order in which they do them and discover the specific reasons why. What is the underlying philosophy behind it and why is it important to do them that way?
Once again they put an emphasis on getting diet right to begin with, followed by sleep and lifestyle. They also discuss in depth about how body systems work. Dr. Justin also describes his 5R approach in this interview. Listen and get some valuable insights on how detox programs really work and why some people may have undesirable experiences.
In this episode, topics include:
01:02 Functional medicine practitioners
03:20 Emphasis on the diet piece
07:33 Body system one
16:16 Body system two
21:32 Body system three
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Dr. Peter Osborne - No Grain, No Pain! - Podcast #88
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Dr. Peter Osborne in today podcast episode where they talk about being true gluten-free and what the gluten-free diet is all about. If you aren’t having the results you are looking for after trying the gluten-free diet, here’s everything you need to know.
Dr. Osborne has a book out right now called No Grain, No Pain. Listen to this podcast and learn how diet becomes a potential cause for autoimmune disease. Discover two common nightshades that most people tend to forget or don’t know about and the need to stay away from these if they are having chronic pain. Find out what highly specialized testings are available that you can take to check if your body tolerates gluten or not.
In this episode, topics include:
01:45 The history of gluten
9:47 Gluten-free diet vs true gluten-free
13:54 Pain and nightshades
16:20 Mechanism of gluten causing pain
25:00 Prescription pain trap
31:44 Summary
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Fine Tuning Your Diet For Your Body Type - Podcast #87
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand dig in deeper into calories today where they talk about calorie consumption and some diet stuff. They discuss about the different diets like the Keto and whether to go low carb or high carb. Find out what cutting carbohydrates really does and how your body type should be considered when going on a diet.
Learn about the mechanism of insulin resistance and inflammation and how that affects your body. Discover the various approaches when it comes to choosing a particular diet. Listen to this podcast to know when exactly counting calories does matter and also how you can do an intermittent fast easily. Get the actions steps and a very concise summary on fine tuning your diet in this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
02:44 Calories and the diet piece
7:07 Carbohydrates
13:21 Body types
20:00 Adrenal issues and diet
31:03 Counting calories
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You'll Never Guess Who Has a Parasite Infection? - Podcast #86
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand reveal to us today about a health issue that Evan is experiencing currently with regard to the parasites discovered in his stool tests. Listen as they share with us the things that can be done to get rid of these parasites via conventional medicine approach versus the functional medicine methods.
Discover what the common parasites are and what the conventional symptoms are that people typically experience when they have an infection. Learn the various ways and supplementation to help treat parasite infections as well as the laboratory tests you can take to confirm such infections.
In this episode, topics include:
00:44 Evan’s parasite story and symptoms
5:03 Lab testing
11:28 Giardia
15:33 Cryptosporidium
22:17 Supplementation
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Low DHEA Levels & Adrenal Fatigue – Podcast #85
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand share with us today some pertinent clinical information regarding low DHEA levels and symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Find out more about the relationship between DHEA and cortisol and get more insights on cortisol rhythms when you listen to today’s podcast.
Learn about the symptoms that people get if they have adrenal dysfunction or if they have adrenal imbalance. Dr. Justin also discusses how DHEA affects women who are experiencing menopause. Discover what strategies you can do to help with stress hormones. Also find out about what salivary tests you can take to measure your DHEA-sulfate levels and learn how you can supplement DHEA.
In this episode, topics include:
00:58 About cortisol
2:33 What is DHEA?
5:03 Symptoms of adrenal imbalance
12:10 Strategies to help with stress hormones
15:00 Supplementing with DHEA
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Is your brain and immune stress making you tired? - Podcast #84
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand in today’s podcast talk about HPA axis for fatigue and its connection to the immune system, given how cortisol helps with energy and its importance with immune response. They also talk about healthy gut bacteria and B vitamins.
Learn about malabsorption and the effects of surgeries like a gastric band or bypass. Discover how you can transition to a Paleo template and how you can go low calorie naturally. They also emphasize how important it is to get enough absorption to avoid dysbiosis, infections and low stomach acid.
In this episode, topics include:
00:45 Apple cider vinegar
9:40 Supporting the immune system
15:46 Fatigue and immune health issues
16:46 HPA axis
22:46 Poor digestion/poor bacterial balance
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The top 5 supplements to enhance your work out - Podcast #83
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about workout supplements including workout timing then they really dig into what they themselves use specifically pre and post workout. Find out more about these supplements that you can use to improve your workouts. Basically you have to remember to get diet and sleep dialed in before adding in any workout supplements.
supplements_for_work_outsDiscover the different types of protein powders, collagen, and creatine that can be used for energy performance. Learn about the various adaptogens you can also use before, during, and after your workouts as well as what they can do for your body. Get to know more about branched chain amino acids and mitochondrial support or Kreb cycle nutrients when you listen to this podcast.
In this episode, topics include:
2:06 Supplements to improve workouts
3:20 Protein powders, collagen and creatine
7:53 Adaptogens
12:07 Branched chain amino acids
15:05 What to do for people with adrenal issues
17:31 Why do you exercise?
20:10 Mitochondrial support Kreb cycle nutrients
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Using lab-work and common health markers to help transition to a healthy diet – Podcast #82
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Dave Korsunsky back on the show and introduces Heads Up Health, a new technology that allows people to input their lab data and other health information so they can better keep track of everything and all in one place. Discover how empowering yourself with your own medical records work and why it’s effective for tracking success.
heads_up_healthWith Heads Up Health, you can track things like weight, blood pressure and blood sugar, and really see what’s happening biochemically. Learn how you can collect data or at-home markers without lab tests as well as understand what clinical markers you need to keep an eye out when you listen to this podcast.
In this episode, topics include:
4:06 Tools for bettert health and lifestyle
9:05 At-home markers
22:51 Clinical markers
24:50 Dr. J’s spreadsheet on functional medicine ranges
33:37 Case study and Heads Up Health software
47:00 Complete lab panel
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Eileen Laird – Reversing Autoimmune Disease Through Diet and Lifestyle – Podcast #81
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Eileen Laird, the author of A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, where they talk about everything you need to know about AIP or Autoimmune Protocol and Paleo in today’s podcast. Eileen has been successfully reversing her rheumatoid arthritis condition or keeping it under control through diet and lifestyle changes.
Learn more about what nutrient-dense autoimmune Paleo foods you can eat and what foods to avoid. Discover helpful supplements and what a healing diet looks like. Get information about transitioning from AIP and how to reintroduce different foods back to your diet.
In this episode, topics include:
2:01 Living with rheumatoid arthritis
6:03 nutrient-dense autoimmune Paleo foods
18:00 The mechanism of autoimmunity and leaky gut
23:24 Transitioning from AIP
26:03 Eating out on an AIP diet
32:50 Best supplements
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Eileen Laird - Reversing autoimmune disease through diet and lifestyle - Podcast #81
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Eileen Laird, the author of A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, where they talk about everything you need to know about AIP or Autoimmune Protocol and Paleo in today's podcast. Eileen has been successfully reversing her theumatoid arthritis condition or keeping it under control through diet and lifestyle changes.
Learn more about what nutrient-dense autoimmune Paleo foods you can eat and what foods to avoid. Discover helpful supplements and what a healing diet looks like. Get information about transitioning from AIP and how to reintroduce different foods back to your diet.
In this episode, topics include:
2:01 Living with rheumatoid arthritis
6:03 nutrient-dense autoimmune Paleo foods
18:00 The mechanism of autoimmunity and leaky gut
23:24 Transitioning from AIP
26:03 Eating out on an AIP diet
32:50 Best supplements
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Luke Storey - The bio-hacking celebrity stylist - Podcast #80
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In today's podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Luke Storey who is a bio-hacking celebrity stylist. Luke shares his healing journey story and how he got to where he is now. He talks about lifestyle hacks where he helps people add all of these different practices and elements into their life through a fully integrated system involving sleep, water, cooking/cleaning products and personal effects, the interior of your car and the mattress you sleep on, as well as meditation practice, mindfulness, looking at spiritual principles and so much more. If you're interested in becoming healthier mentally, physically, spiritually, listen to this podcast.
Luke talks about how changing his diet and how he recovered by getting off of a high carb diet and a high sugar diet and avoiding gluten and soy as well as avoiding things that are inflammatory. Dr. Justin and Luke also discuss in length about the EMF load, the dangers of smart meters, and ideal lighting environments. Discover how mindset helps drive good health choices.
In this episode, topics include:
04:03 Luke Storey's healing journey
13:10 Diet during recovery
17:25 Coffee enemas and colonics
27:47 Celebrity house invasion/healing/detox
38:40 EMF exposure, smart meters, and lighting environments
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Morning routines for optimal health - Podcast #79
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand share their morning routines for optimal health in today's podcast episode. They both emphasize getting hydrated is really important when you're just about to start your day. A great way to kick off your morning is to focus on what you're going to do for the rest of the day. Be it through a task manager or through visualization.
Discover ways you can increase your productivity when you listen to this talk. Listen to helpful tips you can do to help your concentration as well as find out about apps you can download to manage your time and get a more efficient workflow. They also talk about thinking positive and how to deal with negative thoughts in this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
01:20 Morning routines
5:19 Apps to manage time and tasks
9:30 Gratitude, affirmations, and visualization
10:45 The Law of Attraction
11:57 Be-Do-Have mindset
15:20 Summary: Action Items
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Lab testing 101 - The functional medicine tests you need - Podcast #78
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand in today's podcast talk about functional medicine lab testing where they differentiate the conventional lab testing from the functional testing. This conversation picks up diagnoses done by endocrinologists and about functional imbalance.
lab-testingFind out what functional medicine doctors and specialists see when they look at conventional lab tests. Learn what adrenal dysfunction is compared to Addison's or Cushing's disease. Discover why the functional medicine testing for thyroid is different from your simple conventional TSH test and why you shouldn't self-treat with hormones and the need to work with a functional medicine specialist when doing so.
In this episode, topics include:
00:42 Conventional lab testing vs functional medicine testing
3:24 Endocrinology from a functional perspective
6:22 Serum-based cortisol test, ACTH stimulation test
7:25 Adrenal dysfunction
11:30 Functional testing for thyroid
13:21 DHEA and hormones
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Tom Brady's diet and lifestyle performance secrets - Podcast #77
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand dig in a little bit on Tom Brady's success, some of the people that he’s attributed that to, as well as what he’s doing and how we can extract some tidbits from it and apply it to a functional medicine healthy Paleo template or lifestyle.
The emphasis on this podcast is about getting diet and lifestyle dialed in first. There's a discussion on avoiding inflammatory foods and really eating anti-inflammatory foods in this interview, plus how you can avoid toxicity as well. Find out why we need to go for foods that are anti-inflammatory, nutrient dense and low in toxins which is very much like Tom Brady's diet. Discover why you need to get sleep dialed in, too. Also learn how to make your own chocolate avocado ice cream when you listen to this podcast.
In this episode, topics include:
00:35 Who is Tom Brady?
1:38 Why diet is important
4:58 Tom Brady's diet
7:40 Tom Brady's chef tips
10:57 Acid alkaline diet
20:04 Supplementation
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The good, bad and the ugly of low carb diets – Podcast #76
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand break down everything you need to know about low carbohydrate diets. They talk about popular diets like Atkins, Paleo and Ketogenic, Zone, and Ornish. Discover how you can get satiated after a meal by adding in high quality fat and also not overdoing your proteins.
Find out what starchy and non-starchy vegetables are as well as net carbs versus total carbs in this podcast. Learn how you can customize your diet to to make it more suited for your individual needs because not everyone will feel the same about a particular diet. Dr. Justin mentions great points about the A to Z study and explains how some people feel good on some diets while others don’t as well as some people doing okay either way.
In this episode, topics include:
3:30 Low carb diets
8:08 Going gluten-free and Paleo
12:34 Starchy & non-starchy vegetables
16:39 Net carbs and total carbs
21:07 Customizing your diet
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The truth about coffee and its impact on your health – Podcast #75
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand begin the interview with how you can stick to your goals then proceed with a talk regading the truth about coffee and its impact on your health. Learn all about coffee, its benefits and all the good stuff you can get from it. Find out how coffee can stimulate you and the amount of coffee that you should be drinking.
Discover what kind of coffee you should go for and what’s the best time to drink coffee. Also in this interview, you can learn about what nutrients can be found in coffee. Did you know you can take a magic carpet caffeine ride? There are also some things you can add to your coffee to make it better, so listen to this podcast to find out what they are.
In this episode, topics include:
3:24 About coffee
6:00 Different kinds of coffee
7:24 Nutrients in coffee
8:45 When to drink coffee
15:00 Benefits of drinking coffee
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5 steps to create super healthy skin – Podcast #74
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about conventional approaches to skin as well as some of the unconventional approaches. Learn why food does matter in this podcast episode. Find out how you can build healthy skin as they discuss what you need to do when it comes to getting protein, fats, and other nutrients into your diet.
Start with the recommended 5 steps for optimal skin health and see the difference it does to your skin. Discover the action steps you can do to calm your nervous system and avoid chronic stress which leads to bad skin. But remember to get that diet and lifestyle dialed in first. Listen to this interview and learn why the conventional approach does not address the root case of unhealthy skin and get to know some organic skincare products which are great for the skin.
In this episode, topics include:
1:13 Food and skin health
3:10 Diet and lifestyle
6:33 Chronic stress
10:57 Conventional approach
13:18 Functional medicine strategy
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Probiotics 101 How to use probiotics to enhance your health – Podcast #73
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand get into an in-depth discussion about probiotics, on what they can do for you and where you can get them. Listen to this podcast to find out more about the benefits of good bacteria in your body and where you can source them out. Find out what the recommended ones are according to Dr. Justin. Discover the different probiotic supplements, the different strains, and what foods contain probiotics in this interview. Learn more about how probiotics can influence inflammation by reducing it. So if you’re having digestive symptoms, this podcast is for you to get more information on how you can naturally reduce digestive symptoms.
In this episode, topics include:
2:03 What are probiotics and what they do
7:17 Beneficial fermented foods
10:58 Probiotic supplements
17:50 Mood benefits amd effect of taking probiotics
30:03 Lab testing
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Marna Thall and Emotional Eating Solutions– Podcast #72
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Dr. Justin’s special guest for this podcast episode is Marna Thall of who shares her journey on losing weight from a psychological and physiological standpoint. Marna, aka the No Diet Coach, tells us about her specialty and her passion in the health field. Learn how you can manage emotional eating so you can also lose weight when you listen to this interview.
Be inspired to think like a naturally thin person when it comes to eating. Discover the ways how you can lose weight like Marna did by rewiring your brain to think differently, eat differently, and feel differently. Learn how you don’t have to say no to your body and instead try to look for ways on how not to deprive yourself of the foods you love by just substituting them.
In this episode, topics include:
2:04 Emotional eating and weight loss
7:25 Beliefs
12:48 Relationship with food and yourself
15:42 Studying the naturally thin
20:57 Exercise
24:05 Food shifts
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How to incorporate an autoimmune plan - Podcast #71
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In this podcast episode, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand get into an in-depth discusson about autoimmune diet and its foundations. They put together pieces of the puzzle to help us better understand how to incorporate an autoimmune plan. During this interview, they shine the light on an autoimmune diet and shares how we can use a Paleo template as a foundational piece and modify it.
AIPFoodsGet inspired to stick to this plan to help heal your gut and reduce inflammation so the body can start healing. Find out how following an autoimune plan can make a big difference. Learn how to reduce dietary stress by just taking it easy on yourself during this process which is a time for healing. Discover the ways to make it easy to follow the plan when you listen to this podcast..
In this episode, topics include:
1:24 What is autoimmunity?
3:28 Causes of autoimmune conditions
4:34 Paleo Diet/Template and AIP
21:40 Lifestyle piece and daily life application
25:00 Planning and preparation
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