Non celiac gluten sensitivity and what you can do about it - Podcast #105
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about addressing some gluten issues in this podcast episode. Get some great info regarding gluten sensitivity testing and whether you really need to take it or not. Find out the truth about gluten when you listen to this discussion.
Discover the different reactions that people get when they consume gluten. Learn why grains in the modern world is quite different from the ancient grains. Get great advice on options and what you can eat when you're out at restaurants as well as how you can avoid exposure to gluten.
In this episode, topics include:
00:57 The effects of gluten
08:21 Gluten reactions
13:30 Alternatives to eating gluten
20:40 Gluten sensitivity testing
22:22 FODMAPs
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Functional Medicine Clinical Pearls - Podcast #104
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand get into this relaxed discussion about some digestive issues, quick and easy meal ideas, and they also touch upon some conscious competence in this episode. Get some cool knowledge bombs and brain candy when you listen to this podcast on Functional Medicine Clinical Pearls.
Listen and find out why it's good to get multiple tests done even if you don't have symptoms. Learn some tips on making meals easier so you have no excuse of choosing not to eat good food all the time. Heed the advice of getting habits dialed in first and then manage stress.
In this episode, topics include:
02:15 Chronic digestive issues
11:06 Cooking and meal prep
14:57 Conscious competence
17:37 Whey & pea protein
28:55 Get tested
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Aaron Alexander- Get your body back in balance - Podcast #103
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Aaron Alexander about movement patterns and our physical structures. They talked about having power and purpose and being mindful and knowing what you're doing, therefore, obtaining a sense of satisfaction.
They also touch upon considering the looseness of your clothing so it doesn't restrict movement, integrating the sound of movement into daily practice, and how feeling good about yourself can decrease cortisol and stress hormones. This discussion includes things like diet and sleep, as well as the top dysfunctional movement patterns that most people have. Listen to this podcast as Aaron walks us through on how to do a proper squat and how you should wield your breath during movements.
In this episode, topics include:
03:15 Posture
12:54 Movement potential
17:08 Diet and sleep
19:10 Movement patterns
28:02 Breath
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Fixing fungal and candida overgrowth - Podcast #102
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand take time to address another prevalent issue that they come across in their practice -- fungus and yeast. They share about their personal experiences as well as more valuable information about this topic in this episode.
Listen so you can find out what diet changes to make to help get rid of fungal infections and the difference it makes when you pull out foods that are high in mycotoxins and aflatoxins. Learn what the most common symptoms people experience and the markers to look out for when checking the organic acids test. Then discover the steps to take and the additional treatments to do to really overcome any fungal or yeast infections after listening to this podcast.
In this episode, topics include:
00:20 Fungal issues and anti-fungal foods
05:27 Organic acid test markers
07:52 Symptoms
12:40 Antibiotics and steroids
17:23 Alkaline vs Acidic
20:28 Remedies
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Other Strategies to Lose Weight and Reduce Stress - Podcast #92
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about weight loss secrets and weight loss mindset in this podcast episode. They discuss about weight loss being the effect of good health. Get educated about your body so you can effectively lose weight.
Discover why weight loss is more challenging for women and how hormones affect it. Learn about how excessive exercise and/or cutting calories can send stress signals to the body. Find out why you need to get nutrients 100% dialed in and eating organic and grass-fed or pasture-fed as much as possible, avoiding hormones and pesticides and GMOs. Learn about forest bathing, the Nature Pyramid, breathing exercises, body fat percentage and body water content, as well as the waist and hip circumference when you listen to this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
02:00 Female hormones
03:50 Stress in women vs stress in men
07:52 Nutrients
10:23 Diet and quality of the macronutrients
13:47 Forest bathing and Nature Pyramid
21:42 Breathing exercises
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The Other Reasons Why You May Be Tired – Podcast #91
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand are connecting the dots as to why some people who have normal adrenals come back still a little bit tired throughout the day. This podcast touches upon the mitochondria and the thyroid, which are the major driving factors of why someone may be fatigued and tired even though their adrenals look good.
Listen to learn more about dealing with fatigue and inability to cope with stress. Get a better understanding of the thyroid hormones and how they affect the body. Discover facts about fluoride and the effects of drinking fluoridated water. Also find out the benefits of adding mitochondrial support in this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
04:24 Fatigue and inability to cope with stress
11:23 Adrenal, thyroid, and gut issues
14:41 Fluoride
25:32 Mitochondrial support
27:43 Summary
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The truth about H. pylori infections – Podcast #90
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand go in depth about H. pylori infections and the conventional medical treatment using antibiotics versus the natural solutions. Learn what it is all about and how it can be treated when you listen to this podcast.
H_pyloriThey talk about the different studies made and publications that will help us understand what H. pylori is all about and how to effectively get rid of it. Find out what the testing methods are to check if you have certain infections. Also discover the mechanisms of how H. pylori can be spread so you can avoid getting infected.
In this episode, topics include:
00:52 About H. pylori
06:48 Mainstream care/conventional treatment
07:40 Conventional medical treatment vs natural treatment
14:45 Gut killing protocol and supporting affected body systems
19:30 Testing methods
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The Right Path For Treatment In Your Functional Medicine Program – Podcast #89
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about their sequence of care in today’s podcast. Find out why they do things in the order in which they do them and discover the specific reasons why. What is the underlying philosophy behind it and why is it important to do them that way?
Once again they put an emphasis on getting diet right to begin with, followed by sleep and lifestyle. They also discuss in depth about how body systems work. Dr. Justin also describes his 5R approach in this interview. Listen and get some valuable insights on how detox programs really work and why some people may have undesirable experiences.
In this episode, topics include:
01:02 Functional medicine practitioners
03:20 Emphasis on the diet piece
07:33 Body system one
16:16 Body system two
21:32 Body system three
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Dr. Peter Osborne - No Grain, No Pain! - Podcast #88
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Dr. Peter Osborne in today podcast episode where they talk about being true gluten-free and what the gluten-free diet is all about. If you aren’t having the results you are looking for after trying the gluten-free diet, here’s everything you need to know.
Dr. Osborne has a book out right now called No Grain, No Pain. Listen to this podcast and learn how diet becomes a potential cause for autoimmune disease. Discover two common nightshades that most people tend to forget or don’t know about and the need to stay away from these if they are having chronic pain. Find out what highly specialized testings are available that you can take to check if your body tolerates gluten or not.
In this episode, topics include:
01:45 The history of gluten
9:47 Gluten-free diet vs true gluten-free
13:54 Pain and nightshades
16:20 Mechanism of gluten causing pain
25:00 Prescription pain trap
31:44 Summary
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Fine Tuning Your Diet For Your Body Type - Podcast #87
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand dig in deeper into calories today where they talk about calorie consumption and some diet stuff. They discuss about the different diets like the Keto and whether to go low carb or high carb. Find out what cutting carbohydrates really does and how your body type should be considered when going on a diet.
Learn about the mechanism of insulin resistance and inflammation and how that affects your body. Discover the various approaches when it comes to choosing a particular diet. Listen to this podcast to know when exactly counting calories does matter and also how you can do an intermittent fast easily. Get the actions steps and a very concise summary on fine tuning your diet in this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
02:44 Calories and the diet piece
7:07 Carbohydrates
13:21 Body types
20:00 Adrenal issues and diet
31:03 Counting calories
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You'll Never Guess Who Has a Parasite Infection? - Podcast #86
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand reveal to us today about a health issue that Evan is experiencing currently with regard to the parasites discovered in his stool tests. Listen as they share with us the things that can be done to get rid of these parasites via conventional medicine approach versus the functional medicine methods.
Discover what the common parasites are and what the conventional symptoms are that people typically experience when they have an infection. Learn the various ways and supplementation to help treat parasite infections as well as the laboratory tests you can take to confirm such infections.
In this episode, topics include:
00:44 Evan’s parasite story and symptoms
5:03 Lab testing
11:28 Giardia
15:33 Cryptosporidium
22:17 Supplementation
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Is your brain and immune stress making you tired? - Podcast #84
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand in today’s podcast talk about HPA axis for fatigue and its connection to the immune system, given how cortisol helps with energy and its importance with immune response. They also talk about healthy gut bacteria and B vitamins.
Learn about malabsorption and the effects of surgeries like a gastric band or bypass. Discover how you can transition to a Paleo template and how you can go low calorie naturally. They also emphasize how important it is to get enough absorption to avoid dysbiosis, infections and low stomach acid.
In this episode, topics include:
00:45 Apple cider vinegar
9:40 Supporting the immune system
15:46 Fatigue and immune health issues
16:46 HPA axis
22:46 Poor digestion/poor bacterial balance
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Using lab-work and common health markers to help transition to a healthy diet – Podcast #82
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Dave Korsunsky back on the show and introduces Heads Up Health, a new technology that allows people to input their lab data and other health information so they can better keep track of everything and all in one place. Discover how empowering yourself with your own medical records work and why it’s effective for tracking success.
heads_up_healthWith Heads Up Health, you can track things like weight, blood pressure and blood sugar, and really see what’s happening biochemically. Learn how you can collect data or at-home markers without lab tests as well as understand what clinical markers you need to keep an eye out when you listen to this podcast.
In this episode, topics include:
4:06 Tools for bettert health and lifestyle
9:05 At-home markers
22:51 Clinical markers
24:50 Dr. J’s spreadsheet on functional medicine ranges
33:37 Case study and Heads Up Health software
47:00 Complete lab panel
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Eileen Laird – Reversing Autoimmune Disease Through Diet and Lifestyle – Podcast #81
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Eileen Laird, the author of A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, where they talk about everything you need to know about AIP or Autoimmune Protocol and Paleo in today’s podcast. Eileen has been successfully reversing her rheumatoid arthritis condition or keeping it under control through diet and lifestyle changes.
Learn more about what nutrient-dense autoimmune Paleo foods you can eat and what foods to avoid. Discover helpful supplements and what a healing diet looks like. Get information about transitioning from AIP and how to reintroduce different foods back to your diet.
In this episode, topics include:
2:01 Living with rheumatoid arthritis
6:03 nutrient-dense autoimmune Paleo foods
18:00 The mechanism of autoimmunity and leaky gut
23:24 Transitioning from AIP
26:03 Eating out on an AIP diet
32:50 Best supplements
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The Paleo Vegan Debate – Podcast #69
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In this interview, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about vegan and vegetarian diets and compare it to a Paleo template. Dr. Justin explains the notion that “it takes life to sustain life” and how eating plants is similar to taking life force as when eating meats. Listen to this podcast and find out how you can do a vegetarian diet that can also be considered as a Paleo template.
Learn how to handle conversations with people, friends and family, regarding the vegetables vs meat issue and how to approach it by taking away the emotion appeal and going into the more logic side. Discover why you should eat high quality meats versus the conventional crappy quality ones. Find out about the big benefits you can get from following a Paleo template.
In this episode, topics include:
1:35 Emotional argument & scientific evolutionary argument
10:45 Feeling better with a vegetarian-vegan diet
14:25 How to talk to friends and family about the issue
16:34 On high quality meats
19:53 Benefits of eating Paleo
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5 steps to transition to a Paleo diet – Podcast #68
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand give us 5 helpful steps to transition to a Paleo diet or template in order to get on the right track to nutrition and healthy lifestyle. This podcast is basically for anyone who’s trying to make a transition to a healthier diet. Find out how you can get the foundation laid from diet into functional medicine.
Dr. J busts out the myth about not cooking your vegetables and discover why it’s actually good to cook some of them. Dr. Justin and Evan advise to be wary of how much sugar content are found in drinks, even the pseudo healthy ones. Find out why it is a good idea to upgrade your meat quality and how important it is not to skip your meals.
In this episode, topics include:
3:53 Paleo diet
5:28 Cooking your food
8:20 Soda to water
13:19 Upgrade your meat quality
15:33 Skipping meals
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How to use HCL and enzymes to improve digestion Podcast #64
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Even Brand address some topics around digestion in today’s podcast and also talk about various digestive supports. Learn more about the importance of hydrochloric acid and enzymes needed for digestion. Find out why and how the conventional model does not succeed in getting to the root cause of digestive issues.
This interview really is all about the bases and the foundations of digestion but also touches upon the subject of gallbladder issues and other gut inflammation that can be avoided with proper digestive support. Discover how you can optimize your HCl levels and learn about the various enzymes that help in the digestion process as well as find out what the role of bile salts are.
In this episode, topics include:
00:56 digestive issues and digestive support
8:09 gallbladder stones, flushes and surgery
10:51 hydrochloric acid doses
13:35 enzyme support
16:25 gut infections
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The sleep and hormone connection, is your sleep destroying your hormones? – Podcast #62
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand discuss the connection between sleep and hormones in this podcast. They shed some light on how many hours of sleep is essential and what time people should go to bed. They also talk about winding down before sleeping and the different techniques they do in order to get a good night’s sleep. Learn why it is important to address and control sleep in relation to supporting blood sugar and hormones especially for females.
sleep_and_hormonesGet more information on the conversion process to sleep hormones. Find out how important it is to have a balance of having the perfect amount of fitness, movement and activity and using your brain to get a deeper quality sleep, as well as know the right balance of foods to eat to help achieve that restful night sleep. Discover the benefits of sleeping with white noise. All these and more when you listen to this podcast.
In this episode, topics include:
2:14 Sleep and hormones
8:30 How to avoid progesterone steal
12:55 Sleep and exercise
16:48 White noise
22:44 Sleep remedies and supplements
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Infections, digestive issues, brain fog and what to do next…
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about gut bugs and multiple gut infections in this interview. While you’ll see some symptoms when a person’s experiencing a gut infection, remember it’s not always the case as there are times when people don’t get any symptoms at all. Find out what types of specialty labs to order to test for gut infection by calling your functional medicine practitioner.
Get in-depth information on what the usual suspects are for gut infections and watch out for where you could possibly get them. Learn more about allergy medications and discover the effective treatment protocols to knock out these gut bugs by listening to this podcast.
In this episode, topics include:
3:03 Where do gut infections come from
11:15 Compromised gut health immune system
13:32 Allergies and allergy medications
16:30 Treatment protocols, enzymes and HCl
18:56 Infections and recovery
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Adrenal fatigue, adrenal failure and the cortisol rollercoaster – Podcast #60
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Dr. Justin and Evan clarify the issue of high cortisol levels versus low cortisol levels as well as how you can get tested for them. Find out which labs are recommended, what to look out for on your adrenal cortisol tests, and how to get a customized specific protocol in today’s interview.
adrenal_rollercoasterGet in-depth information about the importance of healthy cortisol levels in our body and the various roles it play for body function. As far as methods of treatment are concerned, discover why functional model is superior than the conventional model. Also learn helpful exercises you can do to aid in your healing process. Get tips on how to start your morning to reduce stress and negativity in your life.
In this episode, topics include:
1:50 What is cortisol
11:03 Symptoms of adrenal issues
14:03 Methods of healing, functional vs conventional model
18:42 Treatment or the healing process
24:45 Supplemntation and diet
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Daniel Vitalis – Rewilding yourself, earthing, water and other health strategies - Podcast #59
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Daniel Vitalis talk about getting people back to nature from a stress perspective as well as a movement perspective. They discuss in detail about continuing to balance our biology and our zoology in this technological era we’re at now. Discover the rewilding approach as suggested by Daniel Vitalis.
Get some advice on EMF meter recommendations and learn more about grounding mats, EMF harmonizers and filters. Get answers as to why people need negative charges and less positive charges as well as how to recreate a healthy habitat. Then find out why we need good quality earth, water, air, and fire in this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
08:41 grounding mats, EMF harmonizers and filters
14:25 rewilding approach
18:52 nutrition part of our evolution
28:39 medicinal mushrooms
33:44 colostrum and its benefits
38:26 water filtration and structured water
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I am eating healthy but I still can't lose weight - Podcast #56
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand discuss about exercise and diet including the stress hormones and the thyroid connection. They talk about sleep and how it can affect blood sugar and insulin. Find out what are the things you need to get dialed in to get the results you want for fat loss and weight reduction.
Fat woman give up wearing her tight jeans. Discover how functional medicine lab tests and blood sugar markers play an important role for burning fat in his podcast. Also find out why Dr. Justin recommends getting reverse osmosis countertop filters as part of his water filtration system to get rid of fluoride.
In this episode, topics include:
13:15 About cortisol and insulin
18:05 Functional medicine labs/Blood sugar markers
20:37 Metabolism damage
22:26 All about fluoride
26:27 HCG diet
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The truth about about blood sugar imbalances – Podcast#55
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about blood sugar and imbalances that leads to hypoglycemia and diabetes. They discuss about the glycation process to better understand how sugar affects our body. Find out how to tell if you’re insulin-resistant and what a blood sugar meter is by listening to this interesting podcast.
This interview also gives us pointers on nutrients to take that will help with blood sugar stability. Discover the benefits of Kombucha, cinnamon and eating every 4-5 hours with enough healthy fats and proteins. Dr. Justin also talks about his Meal Matrix and how to apply blood sugar stability techniques in this podcast. Get to know what supplements to take which can further aid in stabilizing your blood sugar.
In this episode, topics include:
00:51 Blood sugar, imbalance and issues
15:12 Importance of stabilizing blood sugar
23:04 What are some healthy snacks
27:12 Supplements for blood sugar stability
35:43 Where do we get aminos
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