Functional medicine solution heal your fibroids naturally - Podcast #95
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Dr. Allan Warshowsky where they discuss everything you need to know about fibroids, their locations and who may need surgery for it including strategies you can do. Dr. Allan shares his wealth of knowledge about hormones likes progesterone and estrogens. In this episode, you'll also learn about angiogenesis.
Discover about the different enzymes you can take to help break down fibroid tissue. Find out what herbs can be used to modulate the receptor sites and learn about the detox and how important proper methylation is when you listen to this interview.
In this episode, topics include:
5:55 Diet and nutritional recommendations
11:14 Treating inflammatory conditions
18:41 All about fibroids and abdominal surgeries
27:18 Hormones
36:55 Herbs used for treatment
41:11 Detox and lab tests
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The truth about coffee and its impact on your health – Podcast #75
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand begin the interview with how you can stick to your goals then proceed with a talk regading the truth about coffee and its impact on your health. Learn all about coffee, its benefits and all the good stuff you can get from it. Find out how coffee can stimulate you and the amount of coffee that you should be drinking.
Discover what kind of coffee you should go for and what’s the best time to drink coffee. Also in this interview, you can learn about what nutrients can be found in coffee. Did you know you can take a magic carpet caffeine ride? There are also some things you can add to your coffee to make it better, so listen to this podcast to find out what they are.
In this episode, topics include:
3:24 About coffee
6:00 Different kinds of coffee
7:24 Nutrients in coffee
8:45 When to drink coffee
15:00 Benefits of drinking coffee
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How to incorporate an autoimmune plan - Podcast #71
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In this podcast episode, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand get into an in-depth discusson about autoimmune diet and its foundations. They put together pieces of the puzzle to help us better understand how to incorporate an autoimmune plan. During this interview, they shine the light on an autoimmune diet and shares how we can use a Paleo template as a foundational piece and modify it.
AIPFoodsGet inspired to stick to this plan to help heal your gut and reduce inflammation so the body can start healing. Find out how following an autoimune plan can make a big difference. Learn how to reduce dietary stress by just taking it easy on yourself during this process which is a time for healing. Discover the ways to make it easy to follow the plan when you listen to this podcast..
In this episode, topics include:
1:24 What is autoimmunity?
3:28 Causes of autoimmune conditions
4:34 Paleo Diet/Template and AIP
21:40 Lifestyle piece and daily life application
25:00 Planning and preparation
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Weight Loss Tips - Simple weight loss secrets!
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