What Are The Strategies to Treat Fibromyalgia and The Fibro Summit | Podcast #291
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Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0972893873
Hey, guys! Here's Dr. Justin Marthegiani and Dr. Roger Murphee talking about things to be checked and point out in dealing with fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain with fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues. Dr. Roger shared that the frustrating thing is there are still doctors who don't believe that it exists, and those who do, don't understand it.
In this disorder, a person's pain threshold becomes low. Therefore, the pain sensation is at an extreme level. It can be coming from wear and tear, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, nerve damage, and so on. Also, there is a coping stress deficit that needs to be fixed.
To increase the pain threshold, we need tryptophan and B vitamins to help boost our serotonin levels that will further lead to decreased depression and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and more mental clarity.
Some issues reported by most patients with fibromyalgia include pain, lack of sleep, tired/fatigue, brain fog, restless leg syndrome, adrenal fatigue, and more. [new para] Watch the entire podcast to learn more about this disorder and interesting approaches on how to fix it!
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Holistic Farming, Improving the Food Chain, Your Immune System Starts with Good Food - Joel Salatin | Podcast #290
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Podcast Transcription: Coming soon.
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Dr. J has got a treat for you today! Joel Salatin, American farmer, lecturer, author, and owner of Polyface Farm. He is one of the most famous farmers with his successful, unconventional techniques (agricultural methods used at Polyface are "beyond organic"). Dr. J is talking us through the food journey and how a strong immune system starts with our food.
We open with segregation vs. integration in conventional vs. unconventional farming. The benefits are obvious, and Salatin chooses not to mass produce to maintain a holistic and environmentally friendly business model.
We shift into a discussion about quality and nutrient density of foods. We look at how some recent studies, documentaries, and food movements sweep over the fact that organic grass-fed meat is of a far superior quality to fast food meat. The quality of mass produced meats, fast food "meats", and organic grass-fed meats are all different, and Dr. J and Joel aknowledge and elaborate on this.
Much is covered during this podcast, but stay until the end to learn how our food-spending habits are changing with the times. While we used to spend 18% of our income on food and less on health, now it is the opposite. Dr. J sees this need to spend more on health in direct correlation with the quality and nutrient density of today's foods. Spend more money on good quality food that is high in nutrients and you'll spend less on hospital bills, etc.
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Histamine Intolerance and Root Causes | Podcast #289
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Dr. J is in the house talking histamine intolerance and possible root causes with this new podcast. We start with symptoms of histamine intolerance. While mostly linked to allergic reactions, they can be IBS, cramping, anxiety, dizziness/vertigo, fatigue, flushing, hives, brain fog, and more. Often, you'll see these overlap as symptoms of hypothyroid, adrenal issues, or Hashimotos. So, what next?
Nutrients important to helping break down histamine are DOA enzymes, Vitamin C, Copper, and B6 (very important to neurotransmitters). We know that gut permeability and absorbing the nutrients you need can be difficult in itself when mixed with gut irritation, stress, and/or certain symptoms and this becomes a triple-edged sword. You need the nutrients to break down the histamine but your body can't break them down because it's stressed, overwhelmed, or not working as it should and you don't want to eat certain foods you used to be able to consume because the histamine's memory is messed up and you're exhibiting more food allergies. It can be overwhelming, so then what?
Dr. Justin Marchegiani shares common foods that increase the histamine response, palliative solutions for relief, and the reality behind finding the root cause.
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Low Potassium, Adrenal Dysfunction Your Immune System | Podcast #288
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Today's about low potassium and your immune system. Potassium it is an essential mineral and plays a huge role in mood, blood pressure, adrenal function, and more. If 98% of Americans are potassium deficient you could very well be a part of that statistic, and Dr. J is looking at how this affects the body and what you can do to improve your potassium intake.
Symptoms of potassium deficiency (or that your body isn't absorbing it well) are: muscle cramps, weakness, fatigue (general energy issues), digestive issues, heart palpitations, achy muscles and stiffness, tingling and numbness, even your breathing could feel labored. Dr. Justin Marchegiani also mentions that those low in potassium are likely deficient in magnesium as well (which can also contribute to symptoms).
We're looking at everything from what can cause low potassium, how teas and alcohol can affect our absorption of potassium, how to replenish after exercise, how to keto and get your potassium in, and more.
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