Using lab-work and common health markers to help transition to a healthy diet – Podcast #82
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Dave Korsunsky back on the show and introduces Heads Up Health, a new technology that allows people to input their lab data and other health information so they can better keep track of everything and all in one place. Discover how empowering yourself with your own medical records work and why it’s effective for tracking success.
heads_up_healthWith Heads Up Health, you can track things like weight, blood pressure and blood sugar, and really see what’s happening biochemically. Learn how you can collect data or at-home markers without lab tests as well as understand what clinical markers you need to keep an eye out when you listen to this podcast.
In this episode, topics include:
4:06 Tools for bettert health and lifestyle
9:05 At-home markers
22:51 Clinical markers
24:50 Dr. J’s spreadsheet on functional medicine ranges
33:37 Case study and Heads Up Health software
47:00 Complete lab panel
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