Enhancing Your Immune System With Vitamin D | Podcast #321
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Getting enough vitamin D is essential to your long-term health. It's relatively easy to get vitamin D through sun exposure most of the year, but that changes come wintertime. So here is Dr. J and Evan discussing why vitamin D matters and how to keep your levels up, even when the days are short and the skies are snowy and gray.
Vitamin D absorbs calcium and helps you maintain healthy bones. It also contributes to the health of your muscles, nerves, and immune system. So if you don't get enough vitamin D, you may be at risk of developing rickets, osteoporosis, other bone disorders, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Older adults, people with dark skin, and obesity are more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D is called the "sunshine vitamin" because your body makes it when sunlight hits the skin. It's more important to keep your vitamin D levels up during the winter because you are at greater risk for getting sick and tend to spend less time outdoors.
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that many people don't get enough of. That said, you can boost your vitamin D levels by eating foods rich in vitamin D, getting more sun exposure, and adding supplements to your diet.
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Skin Care Tips To Improve Dry Skin | Podcast #320
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Winter can wreak havoc on your skin — making it dry, itchy, and irritated. And it can feel like there’s no escape: Cold, blustery conditions outside can leave your skin feeling raw, while indoor heat zaps moisture from the air and from your skin.
In this podcast, Dr. J and Evan are talking about skin problems that you might encounter during this season. There are many simple ways to combat the causes of dry winter skin and help keep your skin feeling moist and supple all season long, including some easy changes to your everyday routine.
Dr. J and Evan emphasized to avoid food allergens that will trigger your gut, hormones, adrenals, etc.
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How Does Dopamine Affect Your Mood & Energy? | Podcast #319
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You might have heard that dopamine is the “feel good” neurotransmitter. In many ways, it is. In this video, Dr. J and Evan are talking about dopamine and how it is essential for our health.
Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Your body makes it, and your nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That's why it's sometimes called a chemical messenger. Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure. It's a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan. It helps us strive, focus, and find things interesting.
It’s hard to pinpoint a single cause of most mental health disorders and challenges. But they're often linked to too much or too little dopamine in different parts of the brain and it also plays a role in diseases that aren’t related to mental health.
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The Affects of Mycotoxins On Male & Female Fertility | Podcast #318
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GPL Mycotox: https://justinhealth.com/products/gpl-mycotox
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Whole House Dehumidifier: https://www.justinhealth.com/dehumidifier
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Mycotoxin exposure from food occurs globally but is more common in hot humid environments, especially in low-income settings, and might affect pregnancy outcomes. However, frequent mold contamination of maternal diet can therefore affect anyone. In this video, Dr. J and Evan talks about mycotoxins and how it can affect men and women's fertility.
On the other hand, becoming pregnant and having mold grow in your home can cause a multitude of problems for you and your baby’s health. Maternal allergies secondary to black mold exposure can lead to serious damages to the growing fetus. This includes brain damage and problems with the respiratory system.
Dr. J also mentioned that men are also not safe from this issue because it can also affect their sperm count.
Dr. J suggests to pay attention to your health by making sure to prevent leaks in you home that will attract mold, hormones, amino acids, etc.
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