Magnesium benefits and magnesium deficiency - Podcast #128
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Join Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand as they talk about Magnesium – its importance and reasons for a deficiency. Listen to them and learn the symptoms and implications of not having enough magnesium in our health.
Discover Magnesium Threonate and Magnesium Taurate as the listeners pose questions about it. Explore the different sources of Magnesium that can be found in natural sources, whether food or supplement; know about the changes that you can make in your lifestyle that will impact magnesium and in turn, bring positive effects to your health.
In this episode, we cover:
1:45 Importance of Magnesium
3:10 Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms
6:27 Magnesium Threonate
8:38 Magnesium Taurate
15:57 Top Ten Food Sources of Magnesium
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