Why Can't I Tolerate Probiotics - Probiotic Intolerance | Podcast #293
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You've seen the commercials, probiotics are made out to be this product you take that makes you feel wonderful, but what if it doesn't? What if you take probiotics and have to run to the bathroom and feel terrible instead? Dr. J is looking at probiotic intolerance, what probiotics are, how they work, and why they might not be working for you and what you can do instead.
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, they're meant to help restore your gut flora. You can get probiotics by consuming fermented food (kimchi, saurekraut, pickles, yogurt, kombucha) or supplementing. They can be used to help with poor bowel movement and generally improve digestion.
If you experience negative symptoms after taking probiotics it's most likely linked to your gut. If you have a lot of bad bacteria (overgrowth of e. coli, citrobacter, etc.) in your gut, it's important you work on those first. Symptoms of probiotic intolerance can be sudden bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea. You may also experience brain fog.
Dr. J continues by discussing what else you can do in place of probiotics, how you should seek treatment for what ails your gut, and more.
Recommended products:
probioflora: https://justinhealth.com/products/probio-flora-60-caps/
sacroflora: https://justinhealth.com/products/sacro-flora/
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