- autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis
- detoxification
- diet, emotional eating
- functional medicine
- functional medicine, general
- functional medicine,general,health
- functional medicine, hair loss
- functional medicine,inflammation,treatment
- functional medicine, lab testing
- functional medicine, natural health, nutrition
- functional medicine, nutrition, weightloss
- general
- general,health,
- general, hormones, weight loss, detoxification, food
- health
- health, detox
- immune system
- infection, parasites, amino acids, collagen, just in health
- Low carb, functional medicine, Paleo diet
- morning routines
- natural health
- natural health, functional medicine
- probiotics
- PTSD, Emotional Stress
- skin
- stress
- tom brady, human performance
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Jul 31, 2015
What it takes to be a good functional medicine patient and get great results – Podcast #53
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Transcription here:
Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand engage in a conversation about how to be a great functional medicine patient and how to get the best results on your functional medicine program. Find out why being more compliant as patients can help you achieve better results by listening to this podcast.
Discover why check-ins and follow-ups are important to be successful in reaching your health destination and goals in addition to avoiding a waste of time to heal. With functional medicine, it’s like entering a journey of working together and a partnership to heal your health. What is the ideal timeframe to commit to a program? How long should you do it? Answers can be found during this discussion.
In this episode, topics include:
2:15 Staring with a dietary approach
16:56 Importance of check-ins and follow-ups
22:11 Functional/biohacker group mindset
25:48 Advice on buying supplements
27:10 Summary
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