Skin Care Tips To Improve Dry Skin | Podcast #320
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Winter can wreak havoc on your skin — making it dry, itchy, and irritated. And it can feel like there’s no escape: Cold, blustery conditions outside can leave your skin feeling raw, while indoor heat zaps moisture from the air and from your skin.
In this podcast, Dr. J and Evan are talking about skin problems that you might encounter during this season. There are many simple ways to combat the causes of dry winter skin and help keep your skin feeling moist and supple all season long, including some easy changes to your everyday routine.
Dr. J and Evan emphasized to avoid food allergens that will trigger your gut, hormones, adrenals, etc.
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How Does Dopamine Affect Your Mood & Energy? | Podcast #319
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You might have heard that dopamine is the “feel good” neurotransmitter. In many ways, it is. In this video, Dr. J and Evan are talking about dopamine and how it is essential for our health.
Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Your body makes it, and your nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That's why it's sometimes called a chemical messenger. Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure. It's a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan. It helps us strive, focus, and find things interesting.
It’s hard to pinpoint a single cause of most mental health disorders and challenges. But they're often linked to too much or too little dopamine in different parts of the brain and it also plays a role in diseases that aren’t related to mental health.
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The Affects of Mycotoxins On Male & Female Fertility | Podcast #318
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Mycotoxin exposure from food occurs globally but is more common in hot humid environments, especially in low-income settings, and might affect pregnancy outcomes. However, frequent mold contamination of maternal diet can therefore affect anyone. In this video, Dr. J and Evan talks about mycotoxins and how it can affect men and women's fertility.
On the other hand, becoming pregnant and having mold grow in your home can cause a multitude of problems for you and your baby’s health. Maternal allergies secondary to black mold exposure can lead to serious damages to the growing fetus. This includes brain damage and problems with the respiratory system.
Dr. J also mentioned that men are also not safe from this issue because it can also affect their sperm count.
Dr. J suggests to pay attention to your health by making sure to prevent leaks in you home that will attract mold, hormones, amino acids, etc.
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What's in Your Drinking Water | Podcast #317
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Safe drinking water is something we tend to take for granted, until a crisis like lead contamination makes us wonder what chemicals could be lurking in our own taps. Here's Dr. J and Evan to tell us all about these toxins and what we can do to make our water at home more safer.
Water is important for life without it also life is not possible. But nowadays the quality of water is deteriorating and is a matter of concern across the world. Pure water is one of the greatest natural resource in the world. Do you know that metabolic functions of our body depend upon water? Since ancient time civilizations are built around the abundant supplies of water.
Some of these toxins are parasites, pesticides, fluoride, heavy metals, etc. Dr. J and Evan also suggest having filters in your water such as activated charcoal to filter out particles pollutants from your water.
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Can Parasites Cause Thyroid Problems? | Podcast #316
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Parasitic infections are a big problem in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In this video, Dr. J and Evan will share how to handle these cases. One of these is giardiasis that may cause diarrhea, gas, upset stomach, greasy stools, and dehydration; cryptosporidiosis, which may cause stomach cramps, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, and fever; toxoplasmosis may cause flu-like symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches or pains that can last for over a month.
Getting to the root of poor health symptoms is foundational in functional medicine. That’s why, with low thyroid patients, functional practitioners will spend so much time working to identify the factors lurking under the surface that are causing inflammatory harm. This can be anything from poor diet to toxic exposure or even infections. However, when it comes to infection, things get more complicated and parasites are often a primary factor in low thyroid cases. Dr. J also shared that some current screening methods miss most parasites, and conventional doctors rarely test for parasites, especially in low thyroid and other autoimmune conditions. Also, parasite cleanses a general approach to eradicating infections. While that can absolutely work for some people, we have a better opportunity to design tailored approaches by using advanced testing. Once the parasite is eradicated, there is more work to be done.
Parasites cause damage that can perpetuate problems even after the infection is dealt with. It’s critical to identify the parasite and the secondary conditions that need support to heal. Different treatments work for different parasites; thus, while general parasite cleanses can sometimes help, I prefer to figure out the specific parasite type through advanced testing.
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Does Eating Healthy When Stressed Make You Feel Better? | Podcast #315
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Eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects of stress on your body and a healthy diet builds a solid, more enduring foundation for your body by reducing oxidation and inflammation and by helping to reduce weight gain. So in this video, we have Dr. J and Evan talking about how we can handle stress while trying to stay fit and healthy.
Of course, and especially when we're extra busy and, subsequently, more likely to be stressed, eating healthy is certainly not an easy habit to maintain. For many, prepping healthy meals doesn't always fit into a busy schedule and dining out is the norm more often than not. This generally contributes to a less healthy diet. We all know how easy it is to treat ourselves to that rich, high-fat meal we have been craving — but would usually not fix for ourselves.
For this reason, building a healthy food prep habit into your daily or weekly routine can greatly improve your overall diet, and eventually lead to reduced stress levels.
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The Allergy and Hormone Connection - Natural Allergy Solutions - Part 2 | Podcast #314
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Natural Strategies to Help Relieve and Support Your Allergies Part 1:
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Hormones have profound and significant effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health. In this video, Dr. J and Evan continue their discussion on how these chemical messengers have a significant role in regulating your mood, appetite, and weight, among other things.
Typically, your endocrine glands produce the precise amount of each hormone needed for various processes in your body. However, hormonal imbalances have become increasingly familiar with today’s fast-paced modern lifestyle. Besides, hormones decline with age, and some people feel a sharper or dramatic decline than others.
The bottom line is, your hormones are involved in every aspect of your health. You need them in precise amounts for your body to function fully. Hormonal imbalances may increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems. Although aging and other factors are afar your control, there are many ways you can take to assist your hormones function well. Consuming healthy foods, meditating, exercising regularly, and engaging in other healthy behaviors can go a long way toward improving your hormonal health.
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Natural Strategies to Help Relieve and Support Your Allergies Part 1 | Podcast #313
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Some people with allergies may find relief by using natural plant extracts and foods that will act as antihistamines. So in this video, Dr. J and Evan Brand talk about allergies and natural and functional medicine approach.
Antihistamines are common substances that prevent histamine activity in our body. Histamine is a protein that triggers symptoms of allergies, such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and a scratchy throat. Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription antihistamine drugs are effective for symptom relief, but they can cause side effects, such as drowsiness and nausea. As a result, presence of side effects from drugs cause people wish to try natural alternatives.
Dr. J and Evan recommended initial things that can help you manage stress. Stress hormones wreak havoc in the body, especially in the immune system, making seasonal allergies even worse. Consider stress management methods such as meditation, taking time out for self-care, and avoiding over-committing your schedule. Constant house cleaning can get rid of many allergens and help relieve your symptoms.
Often, allergies will get worse by toxins within our body. The liver is a great negotiator of inflammation in the body, and when it is working overtime metabolizing our stress, alcohol, medications, and processed foods, allergies can flare up. Detox your body by eliminating fried foods, sugar, alcohol, and other toxins from your diet. For more detailed steps and solutions, don't miss out on the full podcast to fix or avoid allergies!
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Autoimmune Protocol - The Paleo Way | Podcast #312
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The AIP diet is an elimination and reintroduction protocol which aims to reduce inflammation in the gut, heal the gastrointestinal tract and in turn, reduce overall systemic inflammation. It is a diet targeted specifically at autoimmune diseases. We have Dr. J and Evan chatting about the benefits of this diet and how it can bring our body to a healthier state.
One of the biggest benefits of the AIP diet is its ability to alleviate inflammation, which is key to reducing symptoms of autoimmune conditions and promoting better health. Eliminating a few specific foods from the diet and filling up on nutrient-dense whole foods instead can have a powerful effect when it comes to inflammation.
The AIP diet is an elimination diet designed to reduce symptom severity in those with an autoimmune disease. The first phase of the diet restricts many types of foods that can cause inflammation and leaky gut. Foods are then slowly reintroduced and assessed for tolerance. The AIP diet is a stricter form of the Paleo diet, and many foods that are allowed on the Paleo diet are eliminated on the AIP diet, such as nuts, seeds, eggs and dairy products. Although this diet may be able to help relieve symptoms for those with an autoimmune condition, it should be paired with other healthy lifestyle changes to achieve optimal results.
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Fatigue, Tiredness, and Link to Gut Infections | Podcast #311
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Hey guys! Here's Dr. J and Evan talking about the link between tiredness and the state of our gut.
Tiredness is not a symptom that defines any one particular disease. Rather, tiredness can be a symptom of many different diseases and conditions. Causes of tiredness range from lack of sleep and over exercise to medical and surgical treatments. The lack of energy (lethargy) associated with tiredness can sometimes cause difficulty with normal daily activities, leading to attentiveness and concentration problems.
In medical terminology, Fatigue refers to the state of reduced capacity for work or accomplishment following a period of mental or physical activity. For example, muscles fatigue if they are called upon to work for an extended period repetitively. Most of the causes of tiredness are also associated with fatigue.
Dr. J suggested considering to support protein breakdown by extra amino acids and enzymes. Evan also added that if you have issues, always reach your conventional Dr. or functional Dr., be tested, find the root cause and guide to fix possible infections that cause you to feel tired before you reach a crisis level.
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Activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System to Improve Recovery | Podcast #310
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While often overlooked, the role of the nervous system in recovery is paramount. In this video, Dr. J and Jodi Cohen - a bestselling author, award-winning journalist, and founder of Vibrant Blue Oil. They highlight the key physical and mental/emotional factors that stress the nervous system, activate the parasympathetic nervous system for optimal recovery, and how it is connected to your vagus nerve, and how can it affect motility.
While there are many ways to strengthen the PNS response and relax the mind and body, it is important to identify which one(s) will benefit a client the most. Giving them too many new techniques may only increase stress levels.
We often hear meditation and massage are two potent techniques to help with physical recovery from exercise and lower the body’s mental stress response. Jodi here also introduce oils that are so stimulatory, most especially to your vagus nerve, which large divisions of this nerve extends to the digestive system. Also, the vagus nerve sends commands (when the body is not under stress)that slow heart and breathing rates and increases digestion.
Watch the full podcast, subscribe, and learn more on how you can apply this to your daily living!
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Managing Environmental Allergies | Podcast #309
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In this latest podcast, Dr. J and Evan are sharing their approach in managing patients who are dealing with environmental allergies. Dr. J and Evan have some recommendations for good digestive support, allergens, home air filters, etc. to identify the root issue and address the problem!
Environmental allergies are an immune response to something in your surroundings that’s typically otherwise harmless. Symptoms of environmental allergies vary from person to person but can include sneezing, coughing, and fatigue.
Environmental allergies can cause mild to severe symptoms, including sneezing, headaches, fatigue, and coughing. Preventing exposure to environmental allergens is the best way to treat them. You may not be able to avoid the allergens that trigger your symptoms. Your healthcare provider can help you create a plan for treating your allergies through home remedies and medications.
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Staying Fit with Adrenal Dysfunction and Chronic Fatigue - Is it Possible? | Podcast #308
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If you have adrenal dysfunction and chronic fatigue, exercise is probably the last thing you feel like doing. But before you skip this video, listen to Dr. J and Evan Brand to all the right things it will do for you! Your adrenal glands are responsible for keeping the well-being of your body in balance through hormones. These glands also produce the hormone cortisol, which is released during your fight-or-flight response. As you can imagine, cortisol is beneficial when you need to be alert and escape danger.
If you’re struggling with some level of adrenal fatigue, then it’s likely you’re experiencing low energy, fatigue, problems sleeping or feeling rested, and low motivation. Even if you’re someone who used to exercise regularly, you may be having a hard time finding the energy or motivation to do regular exercise. Additionally, certain types of exercise may make your adrenal fatigue worse.
Dr. J and Evan suggested monitoring your diet, make sure you're eating healthy food, keep exercise under an hour (20 to 30 minutes is ideal). Also, increase your exercise capacity slowly—you don’t need to go all the way to the limit of where your body is. It would help if you do a little bit more volume, a little bit more work, and then your capacity gets more significant over time. For more on exercise with adrenal dysfunction and chronic fatigue, listen to the entire podcast!
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The Body Electric - EMF, Infrared Light and Energy Medicine | Podcast #307
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Learn to how to protect your self again emf, wifi and cellular wave frequencies. In this summit we review the benefits of grounding, near and far infrared frequencies. We also learn about HRV and techniques to help get your nervous system in coherence so you can heal and improve your health faster.
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Tom Brady's Performance Secrets | Podcast #306
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When we talk about the sport football, we talk about contact sports, which requires every player to be physically fit to perform and produce excellent performance.
Since we witnessed a great win and performance of Tom Brady in the NFL, we have Dr. J and Evan talking about the basics of food template and physical training to be an excellent athlete and fit in general. The Tom Brady Template, or TB12 Method, is a whole-foods-based diet that protects against diseases, may aid weight loss, and boost your sports performance and recovery. Still, it is very restrictive, not based on sound science, and likely difficult to maintain long term.
It is important to note that everyone is unique, and well-known athletes are no exempted. It is still best to know what works for you. The bottom line is, if you want to perform excellently in your field (sports, fitness, etc.), it always encouraged to eat minimal processed, whole foods, etc. It is highly recommended to avoid inflammatory foods or acidic and hydration. It's also good to have a fitness program that aims to achieve adequate energy levels, recovery, performance, and overall health.
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Essential Blood Tests to Analyze Your Health | Podcast #305
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Regular blood testing is one of the most important ways to keep track of your overall physical well-being. Getting tested at routine intervals can allow you to see how your body changes over time and empower you to make informed decisions about your health. Here's Dr. J and Evan talking about the areas to check aside from the usual blood tests we know.
A conventional medical doctor will typically recommend that you get routine blood work, but this is the bare minimum. There are several significant reasons you may want to get blood tests more often than that. Either you want to optimize your health or to reduce the risk of disease and health complications.
What are some routine tests and others that you should ask or know? Aside from CBCs (Complete Blood Count), Dr. J and Evan pointed out enzyme markers, cholesterol tests, blood sugar tests, liver markers, thyroid panel, and so on. It will help your doctors make a differential diagnosis and dive into the root cause of your present health status. To know more, watch the full podcast and drop your questions below!
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Meditation Using The Muse Device with Ariel Garten | Podcast #304
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We all have thoughts, and none of us are good at meditation at first, during, or maybe at the end. Here's Ariel Garnet, introducing us to the Muse and the use of an approach NOT to get rid of those thoughts but to help you make yourself aware of those thoughts and increase the choice of what to do with those.
Are you doing it right? The Muse uses Machine Learning Approach, which has an algorithm that analyzes brain wave activity. There, it shows focused attention (when it's quiet) and distracted or wandering thoughts (when there's a storm pick-up). Also, concentrated attention and meditation have a natural anchor such as word, part of the body, or our breath, which is more accessible. Ariel added that we have different forms of meditation and focused attention is the most common one. It puts the attention to your breath instead of following your thoughts and shifting it to yourself.
What's the minimum dose? Twenty (20) minutes can be heavy, so it's acceptable to do it up to what's bearable for beginners and usually ten (10) minutes for regulars. It also shows that there are improvements with the body's cognitive function, inhibition, and decrease in stress. Don't miss the full video to see how it works!
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Natural Hacks to Improve Sleep | Podcast #303
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Everyone experiences occasional sleeping problems, so how can you tell whether your difficulty is just a minor, passing annoyance or a sign of a more serious sleep disorder or underlying medical condition?
As humans transition from the waking state to drowsiness and into sleep, parasympathetic vagal tone (responsible for downshifting) increases, and sympathetic tone (the go, go, go!) decreases. Many of us experience trouble sleeping at one time or another. Usually, it’s due to stress, travel, illness, or other temporary interruptions to your normal routine. But if sleep problems are a regular occurrence and interfere with your daily life, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. Here are Dr. J and Dr. Evan taking us to another perspective of ways to help better our sleeping patterns.
Since electronics and the bulbs that we have to use artificial lights, some suggestions are the use of blue lights and dimmer lights. It helps lessen or prevent too much cortisol (steroid hormones formed in the adrenal glands) and assist our melatonin is kicking in and put as to sleep. Intake of magnesium, holy basil, and ashwagandha are also useful for bringing the body to a lower gear as well as regular exercise to keep our body in good shape. Watch the full podcast to know more ways to manage your sleep!
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Using nutrition and functional medicine to enhance energy and mood| Podcast #302
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Dr. J is looking at several natural, easy-to-apply methods to enhance your energy and mood just in time for rising temperatures!
We start with super simple and very powerful electrolytes. Trade out your morning coffee for 18oz of electrolytes and it will impact your energy far better than coffee. Electrolytes are like liquid wiring that help our nerves conduct in our body, and this is easy low-hanging fruit if you need an energy boost. Did you know hydration plays a big role in the lymph nodes and breastfeeding moms who aren't hydrating (especially during the warmer months) increase their chances for mastitis. Dr. J looks at some natural methods to help alleviate mastitis.
Another good way to boost your energy is with celery juice or any other food high in potassium, a little magnesium will also help. Of course, getting adequate nutrients and micronutrients can play a huge role in energy levels, so eat nutrient-rich food for better energy.
With increased adrenal stress and low electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, and calcium. With increase sweet we may lose more electrolytes can increase which can increase low electrolytes symptoms such as heart issues (palpitations, tachycardia, low and high bp issues), mood and energy issues as well. Adrenal dysfunction and low electrolytes can affect your mood and energy.
And it wouldn't be functional medicine if we didn't look at the root cause of why you have low energy or mood issues. Dr. J and Dr. Evan Brand discuss adrenal dysfunction, testing, cortisol levels, and more.
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Can Functional Medicine Manage Headaches? | Podcast #301
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In this podcast, together with Dr. Evan, we're going to be talking about functional solutions to headaches. We'll be looking deeper into what we can do to headache issues.
Our diet can be the first one to consider and ergonomics to keep our body structures relaxed and align, therefore, maintaining our good posture. But how can these factors connected to headaches? Since many people are experiencing headaches, let's talk about the things we can work on before we go straight to taking medications.
Dr. Justin and Dr. Evan are going to break down this topic, discuss the essential details, and what you can do about it.
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Hack Your Alcohol Consumption and Avoid Hangovers | Podcast #300
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Need a hack for hangovers? Dr. J is sharing tips and tricks to make the best of alcohol consumption and beat the dreaded hangover.
Whether it's a few glasses of wine with friends, beer over sports, or a fun night out, there's ways you can enjoy drinking yet mitigate the health consequences and skip the hangover. What are some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol? Gut damage, issues with blood sugar levels and gut permeability, candida overgrowth, adrenal stress, and more. The big stressors of a hangover is the acetaldehyde made from the alcohol and getting the body to process it into acetic acid. The enzyme responsible for this conversion is glutathione-based, so glutathione can help clear alcohol out of your system faster, think: N-acetylcysteine (NaC), liposomal glutathione, vitamin C, milk thistle. Since these help the catalase enzyme to clear the alcohol out of your body faster, it'll also be better for your liver. These are the kind of tips and tricks Dr. J is dishing out (and more!) today and we're pretty sure you'll be using them to help avoid future hangovers. Drink responsibly and be safe!
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Natural Solutions to Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and PMS - Podcast #299
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Dr. J is tackling menstrual irregularities and heavy menstrual flow, symptoms, what your cycle should look like looking at hormones, when to best test, triggers of irregular cycle, and some tips for helping regulate menstruation.
Most women cope with their PMS and irregular cycles like it's a normal thing, but really heavy menstrual flow can be a sign of something deeper, maybe even estrogen dominance. Heavy menstrual flow can cause fatigue, lethargy, mood issues, irritability, brain fog, hair loss, and most importantly low iron. Heavy menstruation can drive anemia and low iron which is essential to the body, then it can take weeks to replace iron, by the time you feel more yourself the cycle starts all over again. What can we do? Well Dr. J has much to say from the perspective of a functional practitioner.
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Immunity Boost Tips to Help You Stay Healthy Over the Holidays | Podcast #298
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Your immune system likely needs a holiday boost, and you are the only one who can do it. (Things like stress, foods high in saturated fat, alcohol, and skipping exercise can all weaken this key part of the body that helps fight off infection and keep you healthy.) Let's hear from Dr. J and Dr. Evan to help you put yourself at the top of your holiday checklist and give yourself this gift of health.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep Every Night. Pulling an all-nighter won’t help. You need seven to nine hours of sleep. Period. A growing body of research shows that not getting enough sleep has an immediate (and long-term) effect on how well the cells in your immune system actually function. That means not getting enough sleep could make you more likely to get sick.
Make Healthy, Nutritious Food and Drink Choices. Making healthy, nutritious food choices can give your immune system a big boost. And conversely, making unhealthy food choices can hamper immune function.
Vitamin D. It has been found to be part of the complex process of immunity cells being ‘primed’ to fight infection, and those with a deficiency are more susceptible to illness, so making sure you get your dose of the vitamin can be key for your internal defenses. Also, vitamin C natural herbs are also highly recommended to prepare your body for the holidays (and anytime).
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Conventional GI Workup vs Functional Gut Health Program | Podcast #297
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If you've ever wondered how functional medicine differs from everyday conventional medicine, this is the podcast for you. Dr. J sets out to explore conventional medicine GI workup vs. functional medicine gut-health workup. It's a compare and contrast while looking at what chronic conditions may be missed by conventional medicine.
Most conventional GI doctors follow a typical internal medicine gastroenterologist's best-practice workup. So they'll look at your history, do a physical exam, some palpitations over the stomach and upper stomach area to look for inflammation. Depending on what they find, they may ask for capsule endoscopy, a regular endoscopy, or colonoscopy, barium swallow, ultrasound, breath-testing, and/or blood-testing. They might also do a stool test but they're usually non-specific. This differs from functional medicine because, given symptoms, we may look more specifically for bacterial overgrowth, h.pylori, candida, and more that we want to dive deeper into.
Conventional medicine is checking to see if you are within the "normal" range of conventional standards while we check for what's functionally not working. There's a big difference between functionally optimal and being diseased but pathological. This podcast aims to give you a better understanding of how functional medicine can be so much more specific, in-depth, and seeks to fix the root-cause and get you out of no man's land.
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Summer Time Parasite Infections & Lyme | Podcast #296
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There are about 300,000 new cases of Lyme Disease every single year in the United States. Dr. J aims to help you better protect yourself from similar summertime parasitic infections.
Let's start with Lyme. If you find a tick in your yard, near your house, or on you, it is best to send it to a lab to have it tested so you know if it's carrying Lyme or any coinfections. Next, you want to try to create a barrier in your own yard to kind of push them out. You can do this by using Wondercide (a product with cedar oil), or a mix of essential oils like cedar, olive leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, pennyroyal, or geranium. You'll also want to buy a little tick kit to have on you in case you find one of you, your family, or pets since it's strongly advised you do not pinch them off.
Moving onto parasitic infections, we're warned of water-borne parasites like Cryptosporidium and Giardia and their symptoms. Dr. J says, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." It's worth noting that these illnesses may present differently in kids, or we may notice it more if they're struggling with mood issues, remember that parasitic infections aren't seen in just their bowel movements. Dr. J expands more into summertime parasite infections and you'll want to stay until the end.
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