Dr Tom Bilella - Nutrition secrets and natural solutions to drug epidemic - Podcast #119
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Show Transcription: See https://justinhealth.com/dr-tom-bilella-nutrition-secrets-and-natural-solutions-to-drug-epidemic-podcast-119/
Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Dr. Tom Billela talk about nutrition and ending the drug era in this special podcast episode where they discuss nutrition secrets and natural solutions available in the modern world.
In this interview we talk about sugar and how it affects our health in ways leading to nutrient deficiency. We also talk about carbohydrates portions and intake at different times of the day and how such factors contribute to achieving healthier body. We go into intermittent fasting as well as its effects on different types of people. We point out the importance of nutritional timing, pre- and post work out nutrition, the essential amino acids and its effects on body systems which in turn help people improve their performance and attain lean body mass.
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In this episode, topics include:
01:40 Avoiding sugar
13:02 Nutrient Debt
23:16 Intermittent Fasting and Macronutrient
33:42 Nutrition for building muscle
43:16 Movement patterns for building muscle
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