Dr. Andrew Hill – Improving brain function, baldness and head trauma – Podcast #118
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Show Transcription: See https://justinhealth.com/dr-andrew-hill-improving-brain-function-baldness-and-head-trauma-podcast-118/
Dr. Justin Marchegiani has a special guest back again today, Dr. Andrew Hill. For this podcast episode, they talk about brain function, baldness and head trauma.
Discover the different medications or drugs that are used for ADHD, anxiety and sleep issues and how they will affect people in the short or long term. Find out how mindfulness and meditation can help with brain function and training. Get some information on insulin and the history of gluten as well as a brief history of genetics and evolution. Learn what should be done in cases of head trauma or brain injury when you listen to this episode.
In this episode, topics include:
01:40 Biofeedback/Neurofeedback
14:38 Medications and Smart drugs
40:16 Insulin
48:22 Gluten
56:48 Baldness
62:35 Brain injury/trauma
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